Karen moved the Humvee from concealment and drove along the most open streets that she could find. Cleveland was and odd city compared to others she'd visited first of all was the lack of abandoned cars in it's interior streets then was it's limited number of walkers. Karen couldn't help but conjure up the description; Ghost Town and all that Was missing to complete the look were the tumble weeds. She pondered these questions and feelings as she drove through the streets. She was alone, so alone that it hurt when she thought about it. She followed the course of the river to limit at least one side of the vehicle to possible fire. The docks were clear of abandoned vehicles as well as barges, tugs and the ships that cruised Lake Erie which showed that at least here there had been a somewhat orderly evacuation. Just ahead she spotted one of those Construction Lights that could illuminate a stadium and on it's side it said "Powered by Cummings" that she'd learned meant a diesel engine. So she stopped beside it and stepped out of her ambulance an checked the fuel gage; it said 3/4s full. Karen nearly let out a whoop of joy but decided better to wait till she had the precious fuel. Looking around she didn't like the area because it gave concealment to walkers and possible raiders so she came to the conclusion it would be easier to take the whole thing. She jumped into the seat of her Humvee and aligned the tail hook with the trailer's ring hitch and backed up to it then climbed out twice to check alignment and height then mate the two together once trailer and vehicle were one she cranked the jack up and then lowered the 4 huge lights and mast into traveling position. "This could actually prove a greater godsend than fuel" she thought as she secured the mast like the instructions said. The trailer was also serve as a .portable generator with a 12 kw output.