It was a bit boring. Kirei had only been at it for like, what? Two? Three hours? No one interesting had gone by and her mark wasn't doing anything. . . Irreputable. Not openly at least. She was sitting in the park, seemingly waiting for someone. "'While I'm at work she seems to be doing something behind my back. . .' he says. Just people watching. Like me. Waiting for a friend as well." She muttered to herself. It was easily October now, slightly cooler than had been a few months ago. A few months ago. . . She almost thought back on that time, when her mark suddenly stood up. The woman was a non-human, though what kind Kirei didn't know. Just that her husband had thought she was cheating on him or something. Well, if she was Kirei didn't think it was too bad. If he was that overprective of her that he hired a PI to keep an eye on her for a week, well Kirei would definitely want to keep her didstance from the man too. Still, she just seemed to be meeting up with a woman. A friend, really. The two had met the last two days as well. They then went to the coffee shop right across the street from where Kirei lived. That's mostly why Kirei thought the woman was at least non-human, seeing as most of the customers at the shop were, in fact, non-humans. Unsurprisingly, they went the same place again. She didn't need to follow them in the store though. Her time to watch them for the day was just about up and previous study told her that they would just stay and gossip at the cafe. "I suppose I can just follow them home, seeing as it takes me to the same place." She followed the two, at a distance of course. Couldn't have them know she was there. However, on the way she saw the Llama behind the cafe across the street from her house. Perhaps he was out on a morning run? Or something at least. Wanting to not seem impolite, she spoke up and greeted him. "Good morning, Simon." The woman said with a slight bow, show off her cultural background. Since coming over from the island nation, she found that having contact with others was a good thing over-all. Contact with others that wasn't about finding food for the future that is. "Enjoying your running?" She continued with a question. She didn't care all too much, but it was the way she found conversation worked over here. [@Spawnling]