[quote=@Aeonumbra] "Muh Honor- While he isn't always challenging people these days, when Roland is directly challenged by another person he will refuse to back down no matter how bad the odds are. At other times his personal code may cause him to be needlessly reckless such as not using his powers to incapacitate someone[color=ed1c24],[/color] or[color=ed1c24],[/color] letting someone live when there's a chance they may comeback for revenge." [/quote] Alternatively, did the statement mean "At other times his personal code may cause him to be needlessly reckless such as incapacitating someone in ways not involving the use of his powers, or letting someone live when there's a chance they may come back for revenge"? By refraining from using his powers in combat he would be recklessly endangering himself, and potentially others, rather than just using his powers to end the battle quickly and decisively.