In collaboration with [@AiyvaGuard] Aurora yawned, listening to the pianos play. Her head leaning against the metallic wall. She wanted to doze off, but there was plenty of things to do other than staring into the scenery or talking with others. Currently, she had no friends and didn't like that status and inevitably the sleep guards catch her. Gavin kept staring looking for anything in particular to notice... nothing much right now. Gavin turned and leant against the window with his arms folded, scanning the room. Everyone seemed to know each other or enjoyed their own company, much to Gavins personality too. Then Gavin noticed a girl, significantly younger than most of the other students who was slowly nodding off. Gavin decided to keep her occupied, seeing how they were so close, may not be a good idea to sleep. Gavin walked over slowly and stared at her a bit, trying to decide on a greeting. "Excuse me ma'am?" He finally said in a thick, southern accent. She jumped at the mans voice, her head hitting the back of her head, “Ow... "She said, though the pain only lasted for a second. Looking up she saw a significantly tall man he seemed to tower over her. She looked down at her wrist, Hate had detached and has been aiming towards Gavin’s head, “U-...Uhhh sorry. " She stuttered, the two pieces of hate floating towards her wrist and locking itself back onto her wrist. “S-..Sorry! I am uhm...Aurora. “She nodded, removing her headphones and setting them on her suitcase. "No problem, lady, don't worry about that either, you get used to it after a while, just thought I'd let ya know, were getting close to Vale now so might not want to nod off just yet." Gavin advised, with a smile. He then sat next to Aurora. "I'm not one for talking much but, you look like a nice person, soo... what brings you to Beacon?" Gavin asked. "Oh, shoot, I forgot. The names Gavin." He said introducing himself with a tip of his hat. She tugged on her sweater, looking towards Gavin but not exactly making eye contact, "U-..Uh...Thank you! "She said with a gleeful smile," U-..Uh...yeah, thank you. "She repeated, worrying that she was too excited for someone to compliment her. I-... “Aurora tried to think of a legitimate reason for joining Beacon but she couldn't find any, “I-...joined Beacon to protect my friends?” Her answered seemed overly cliché but it was true. She was making friends! And that was rare, most viewed her on her appearance so...that basically deflected everyone away but...not Gavin. "Well, that’s a good a reason as any." Gavin said, this girl was nice, despite her awkward appearance. I guess that kind of gave them a similarity. "Me, well I want to help people too." He explained. "My mama, well, she was killed by a Grimm, let’s put it that way. That kind of made my decision to be a hunter." Gavin continued, not really minding if she was listening or not. No matter who it is, as long as two people are talking it doesn’t matter. They’re just... talking. "That bracelet thingy-ma-jig." Gavin noticed, looking at the golden hoop on her wrist. "What exactly does it do?" He asked, to keep the conversation flowing. “Y-..Yeah “Aurora replied, she listened, she was always a good listener. The lack of friends and being lonely for most of her life has given her extreme listening skills. “W-..Well nothing too drastic but my parents sort of abandoned. “She frowned in embarrassment but continued on, it was awkward for a few seconds until Gavin popped out another question.” O-..Oh! This is my weapon. “She opened her hand and thus Hate detached from the bracelet and began circling around her wrist, “I infused it with it can generate dust-orbs... " "Oh, I hear of that stuff? Elements and stuff right?" Gavin asked, just to make sure he wasn’t being a dope. Gavin then decided to ask further, intrigued by the little thing. "Does it do anything else?" “ can.... “The two pieces of hate floated of her wrist, and hovered towards the middle of the commons room. The two pieces began circling each other and thus began generating an orb. She thrusted her hand, the orb dashing towards Gavin...but just before it hit Gavin Aurora quickly created a shield around him, “S-..Sorry “She said quietly, the orb disappearing into the shield. The shield itself fades away and Hate just continues to hover around the two. Gavin stared in wonder at the thing. "That little doo-dad is pretty cool." Gavin commented, smiling towards Aurora. "Don't be sorry. If that isn’t one of the coolest weapons then god is a possum." He commented, trying to perk Aurora up a bit. Aurora shrugged, “It’s not that cool... I heard one of the students here has a high calibre sniper rifle scythe. "She sighed, Hate flying towards her wrist and reattaching itself “So what’s your weapon? " "Ohh, nothing as complicated as yours." Gavin said, standing up and unattatching the scabbard from his belt "and no sniper scythe either.". He then flipped the sights up at the end of the sheathe. "It’s a double barrelled shotgun." He explained, pointing at the barrels on either side of the sheathe. He then pulled it out of the sheathe and revealed a katana, with the barrels coming closer to the blade. "Then it’s a blade." He said. "Wooow..." She was dazed by Gavin’s sword, " Is it a hand me down?" She asked, hoping it wasn't had such a simplistic build that it must be a hand-me-down or a family heirloom, "S-..Sorry if it’s not, but it's cool though! "She assured him. "Well, kind of." Gavin explained, smiling that she noticed something like that. "I made a few modifications, the sights being one." He further explained before sheathing his gun-katana. He then looked at the window again. "Oh, I never got your name?" Gavin realised. “Oh...that’s cool!” Her replies were simple but she was really enjoying her time, she couldn't really explain things. “Oh-...Uhm My names Aurora... “Gavin might have forgot her name, quickly, though it was was so plain and simple. Gavin immediately facepalmed. "Ugh... I’m so forgetful." Gavin groaned at himself. "I’m sorry ma'am." He apologised, then turned to sit down again. "Well, here’s hoping to a bright future at beacon for all of us, Aurora." He said to her, tipping his hat with a smile. "Mhm! For the future students of beacon! “Aurora says tipping her non-existent cowboy hat.