[quote=@clericbeast] [@Aeonumbra] I don't want to be the asshole that butts into every discussion, but I'd like to point out the disconnect between [@SimplyJohn]'s character's face claim and the nature of the setting. The image is vaguely reminiscent of a high fantasy battlemage, and I find it difficult to believe we'd find someone gallivanting about a post-apocalyptic wasteland in what resembles Daedric plate armor. Just my two cents. Not trying to instigate trouble, of course; I'm telling it how I see it. [/quote] Even though technically my word is the final judgement, player vs. player critiquing is perfectly fine as long as it's civil. If it boils down into a hate fueled internet pissing contest argument, well, that's a problem. [hider=Nomad's Reference Picture] [img]http://i.imgur.com/WodcMXl.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Daedric Armor] [img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/071/d/2/daedric_armor__skyrim__by_blueraven90-d4sl96a.jpg[/img] [/hider] Not quite seeing the resemblance there, which is why I asked for a written description. Reference pictures are really to help paint the picture with the words, it doesn't quite have to be an exact fit. I understand that concern of how out of place it would seem, but it's not exactly high battlemage armor. It was stated somewhere that it was leather, and honestly the styled crafting of it isn't an issue. For example, I have a reference picture for my character's awakened state- which is technically a transformer, literally, from the movie. I'm just a little dandy at photo manipulation. tl;dr I realize the ref. picture may not seem to aptly fit this setting, but honestly it's about the written description, which is why I asked for one, rather than the reference picture. As long as there is a semblance I can paint a proper picture with the two, in my own mind. ... *lazy*