[b]Metropolitan, Atlanta, Georgia United States of America[/b] Tori had woken up early in the morning, a habit she had picked up after Ben woke her up so often in the morning. Though she felt exhausted from hours of walking the day before, Tori knew that the [i]New World[/i] had no place for exhaustion. Exhaustion was the thing of the past now like refrigeration, microwaves, and even printed news. Tori couldn't even remember the last time she heated food up over something which wasn't a fire. Hot water was also something she missed on a day to day basis. Tori and Ben had been lucky that the water was still running, at least for now. Then again, in the boiling heat of summer cold water was better than nothing. If only they could find a supply of water which could be trusted to be pure then they could have enough water to stay in a single area. Ever since the infection had arrived Tori had doubted that any open source of water, including opened bottles she didn't open, could have been contaminated by a corpse or an infected which had been dumped there after being believed dead. One could never be too careful when it came to the spread of a virus. Bottles of water were rare to find since the majority of them were looted by those looking to get the upper hand when it came to survival. In the end, Tori decided to play it on the safe side rather than risking an infection from open bottles. She had even decided to bursh her teeth only one a week to save water. Tori had taken to working out twice a week, mostly doing squats, leg lifts, push ups, and sit ups. [i]A weak survivor was a dead survivor[/i] Tori told herself every time she began her work out. If you can't run from the infected, then you would die. Strength is key in securing one's own hideout or protecting yourself. Tori's workout wasn't as intensive as Ben's was, considering he was more use to a constant workout than she was. But, Tori had been improving since she started three weeks back. Now she was sure she could run a mile in under ten minutes and life at least fifty pounds. For Tori that was a good enough improvement but that didn't stop her from working out. She couldn't let herself rely solely on Ben for protection and carrying heavy items any more. She wanted to pull her own weight and Tori sort of meant it literally, though that would be difficult. The apartment's central room gave off a dull light,what light came through the blinds that is, from the early morning sun and Tori could tell that Ben had still been awake before her. The sound of the shower ending meant that it was safe enough to enter so Tori crossed the room and opened the door to where Ben had decided to sleep. Tori was astonished to find a shirtless Ben standing in the middle of the room. She stood still in the doorway and Ben mentioned several areas where they could look for some supplies. "Uh, yeah. All of those places seem like good places to scavenge. If we find anything in the McDonald's, it is likely to just be water and spoiled for so we shouldn't stay there too long. The convinence store probably still has something but we should be careful going there. Gotta make sure nobody's living there. The pharmacy probably had all the basic things looted such as bandaids, pain pills, and et cetera. But we need to get medical supplies anyway." Tori said to Ben as she focused her thoughts on looting. "Actually, now that you bring it up, that map and key I found the other night when we came here probably would provide some supplies but we gotta be careful there. It's a long walk up to the area indicated on the map and we would have to pass through some formerly populated areas. Plus, it might already be looted for all we know. If we ever find more people that we trust we should go there and check though." Tori said as she pulled the map out of her pocket and laid it down on the table. The circled street was north of where the pair was now and, though going further north would probably allow them to find supplies, it would also pass them through some serious areas where infected probably roamed. Plus their food supplies were running low so leaving the area could be dangerous. Tori folded up the map and stuffed it back into her pocket before leaving Ben's room to grab her bag and weapons. "I'll be waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs Ben so hurry up!" Tori called out after having moved the dresser out from in front of the door. She walked silently through the hallway with her machete in hand and went down the stair well where she waited for her partner.