[@Aeonumbra] The CS is a WIP designed to check the validity of the powerset before fleshing out other, less important sections, such as the character description, but I fully intend to give more details once the technical issues have been established. The cloth and leather are all procured by hunting land animals from the island's interior, although they have been treated with Nomad's water skills in order to toughen them to the point of being comparable to kevlar or other bullet-resistant materials. In cases of extreme danger Nomad can also use her abilities to form water armour around herself in order to prevent damage, although this usually causes a great deal of strain on her heart and limits her ability to maintain weapons at the same time. The water containers were included as a way to give Nomad immediate access to a large amount of water in a hurry, as the description of the environment implied that water would be a scarce commodity and so her ability would be slower at manifesting water than simply waving her hand and creating a lake. generally she would have enough water at one time to produce two full sized blade and about a dozen flechettes to be used as ranged weapons. If you feel this limitation to the 'flow' of her water manifestation is unreasonable then I'm more than happy to ramp it up, doing away with the containers in the process. [indent][color=ccccff][b]Manifested Phenomena:[/b][/color] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Manipulation]Hydrokinesis[/url] [color=ccccff][b]Unique Abilities:[/b][/color] [indent][hider=Water Solidification][i]Water Solidification:[/i][indent]Nomad is able to form water into solid shapes with a density and tactile strength equivalent to a similar object made from metal. While these objects are in physical contact with her body they can remain in shape with little effort on Nomad's part, but any object no longer in contact, such as a thrown knife or a weapon passed for someone else to hold, requires a measure of concentration for her to maintain, and when this concentration is lost the object reverts back to its liquid state.[/indent][/hider][/indent][indent][hider=Hydrokinetic Constructs][i]Hydrokinetic Constructs:[/i][indent]With adequate concentration, and an available source of water, Nomad is able to create large solid constructs such as shields, armour, walls and barriers and sustain them for as long as her concentration holds. These constructs vary in strength depending on their size, with larger forms being weaker and requiring more concentration to maintain, and require physical contact in order to sustain them.[/indent][/hider][/indent][indent][hider=Water Walking][i]Water Walking:[/i][indent]By solidifying water beneath her feet Nomad is able to easily traverse open water, although still struggles when trying to cross rapidly moving water such as river rapids and waterfalls where the movement of the water strains her ability to hold it steady.[/indent][/hider][/indent][indent][hider=Water Purification][i]Water Purification:[/i][indent]Since she is able to control the movement of water using her abilities, but not other materials, Nomad can easily purify water by moving it from one container to another, leaving behind any imperfections which may have been present.[/indent][/hider][/indent] [color=ccccff][b]Strengths:[/b][/color] [indent][hider=Adaptive Combat Style][i]Adaptive Combat Style:[/i][indent]Although Nomad tends to favour blades and swords in combat she is able to quickly and easily change the shape and form of her weapons in the middle of an attack, switching what may have been a stabbing strike into a slashing swing as her blade flows to form a new shape to counter an opponent's blocks and defenses.[/indent][/hider][/indent][indent][hider=Reusable Resource][i]Reusable Resource:[/i][indent]As the water Nomad uses for her attacks takes time to soak into the soil, evaporate away or drain into sewers she can easily make use of the same material multiple times before having to manifest a fresh supply, reducing the strain she suffers during prolonged combat.[/indent][/hider][/indent][indent][hider=Enhanced Mobility][i]Enhanced Mobility:[/i][indent]When moving over rough terrain and through dense cover Nomad has learnt the tricks for navigating swiftly and surely. In combat these skills translate into a use of the environment around her, leaping, diving and rolling around cover faster than most others could manage until she is able to close with her prey enough to strike.[/indent][/hider][/indent][indent][hider=Hunter's Eye][i]Hunter's Eye:[/i][indent]Having fended for herself in the wild for many years Nomad knows the terrain better than most and can usually spot when something is out of place. Usually this ability is used when hunting for food, but it could just as easily be used when hunting other prey.[/indent][/hider][/indent] [color=ccccff][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] [indent][hider=Extreme Temperatures][i]Extreme Temperatures:[/i][indent]The water Nomad uses is, at the end of the day, only water. As such it is bound by the same laws of thermodynamics as any other liquid and can be frozen or evaporated away in the wrong conditions. If frozen Nomad's blades become as brittle as ice, and if evaporated they simply disappear, and although she can melt the ice and reconstitute the water vapour this takes vital time which during combat she may not have.[/indent][/hider][/indent][indent][hider=Technologically Inept][i]Technologically Inept:[/i][indent]While able to locate sustenance in the harshest of environments, skin an animal carcass with skill and speed and track her prey over long distances in a variety of terrain Nomad has little knowledge of technology and struggles when dealing with computers, firearms and radios, instead leaving such matters for others to deal with.[/indent][/hider][/indent][indent][hider=Drop By Drop][i]Drop By Drop:[/i][indent]Nomad's ability to manifest water is quite slow, with only a handful of drops forming per second. To counter this Nomad gathers the water that forms into containers she carries with her at all times, in order to make use of stored supplies whenever local sources aren't available.[/indent][/hider][/indent][indent][hider=Electricity][i]Electricity:[/i][indent]All of Nomad's water constructs, weapons and armour share a highly conductive nature which only helps transmit electricity to her body. When facing such attacks Nomad is often unable to make use of her abilities, relying instead on her leather armour for protection.[/indent][/hider][/indent][/indent] Better? My comment on "Able to draw water out of-" was only fluff to explain exactly where the water was being manifested from, such as atmospheric moisture and water particles in the soil around her, and was not meant as a direct source for her abilities. [quote=@clericbeast] . . . That does not at all match my memory of Daedric armor, so I'll concede this round - must have mixed something up somewhere along the line. Regardless, I'm curious where the character might have acquired that sort of attire. Unless it's a relic of a time long past, or something, (which I could probably accept) I don't quite feel the design suits what you've implied is the tone of the setting. [/quote] Nomad grew up in the wilds and crafted the armour herself to suit her own tastes and needs. I'm aiming for a stealth character who uses terrain and cover to close with an enemy before killing them at close range, so I thought a Ludditic personality to couldn't/wouldn't use guns and made use of 'backwards' technologies would be appropriate. [@Shotgun Bear] Poor Schatz, perhaps if Nomad doused her in some nice refreshing water that would make her skin feel a little better? And after that she could read some choice selections from her favourite book, the one she keeps in her [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2719965]backpack[/url]...