Alright, here are the characters! Each one will have a hider to prevent clutter. [hider=Liam Arkwright] [img][/img] Name : Liam H. Arkwright Pen Name : H. L. Arkwright Age : 29 Height : 6'0 Orientation : Bisexual Designation : Alpha Occupation : Horror Fiction Author Favorite Food : Pork Dumplings Least Favorite Food : Spinach Beta Fertility Rating : 3/10 Omega Fertility Rating : 9/10 Personality : Liam is quite frankly, an asshole, and tends to piss off pretty much everyone he meets. That said, being an Author was one of the only career options that would allow him to be his grumpy self and not have anyone except his editor bother him. Style : In terms of style, he prefers to wear anything that's comfortable and usually only walks around his house in pajama pants ( much to the joy of his elderly neighbor, who likes to bring him cookies and stare at his half naked body. She's a very nice Beta, but she still irritates him ). [/hider] [hider=Braeden] [img][/img] Name : Braeden Age : 32 Species : I can't say without ruining anything Orientation : Bisexual Position : Seme Hair : Dark Blonde Eyes : Silver Height : 6'2 Personality : Braeden is one of those ' hero ' types and tries to help as many people as he can. However; just because he likes helping people, doesn't mean that he doesn't have his grumpy side. Part of this is due to the fact that he hasn't found his destined and is starting to lose hope that he will ever find them. This has led to a little bit of wanderlust and he finds himself in different places every few days or every week. He never really stays in one place and can often be found where he won't be stared at for wearing his sunglasses every time he goes outside. It's not that he wants to wear them, it's just that his eyes aren't considered a ' normal ' color, and when his sunglasses are off, he sees things that he really wished he didn't. A destined is the person he is truly meant to protect and who will be able to past his human guise to find out what he truly is. [/hider] [hider=Kearia] [img][/img] Name : Kearia Age : 24 Species : Fairy Orientation : Heterosexual Occupation : Art Gallery Owner and Painting teacher Personality : Kearia is a very kind person, and tries to hide that fact that she's always a little bit sad. Why is she sad? Well, instead of having dreams of her own, she dreams about other people's memories. She then turns those memories into paintings and displays them in her gallery. It's very rare that she finds out who the memories belong to, and in the case that she does, she always offers to give that person the painting. [/hider] [hider=Arianthe] [img][/img] Name : Arianthe Age : 17 Species : Siren Orientation : Heterosexual Personality : Arianthe is a very quiet individual and refuses to speak due to the villagers beating her. However; if you take the time to try and coax her into speaking, or show her a lot of kindness, she may speak a few words. Bio : Arianthe is a siren, as a such, she used to love to sing. That singing came to an abrupt halt however when the villagers started beating her because they thought she was the cause of all of the fishing boats never coming back, or the lack of fish. She lives in a tiny little run down one room shack away from the village and does work to earn some scraps so she can at least keep a little food in her stomach. ~ Arianthe's story takes place in ancient greece, so please keep that in mind! [/hider] [hider=Isaak DeMarco] [img][/img] Name : Isaak DeMarco Age : 26 Occupation : Pirate Orientation : Bisexual Height : 5'11 Vessel : The Black Wolf [/hider] [hider=Bryce] [img][/img] Name : Bryce Kingsley Age : 34 Species : Adlet ( A werewolf that feeds on blood ) Occupation : Doctor ( ironically ) Orientation : Bisexual Height : 5'10 [/hider] [hider=Kato and Silas] [img][/img] Name : Kato Faustus ( Right ) Age : 24 Species : Dragon Occupation : Defense Attorney Orientation : Heterosexual Height : 5'10 ~ Name : Silas Faustus ( Left ) Age : 24 Species : Dragon Occupation : Famous Chef Orientation : Bisexual Height : 6'0 [/hider] [hider=Aleron] [img][/img] Name : Aleron O'Conell Age : 28 Species : Were-Jaguar Occupation : Blacksmith Orientation : Bisexual Height : 6'0 [/hider] [hider=Kaira] [img][/img] Name : Adelina Ardelle Age : 20 Species : Elf Occupation : Student Major : Art Orientation : Heterosexual Height : 5'7 [/hider] More will be added later, and I only allow one roleplay per character.