[quote=@Aeonumbra] No, what I said was you [u][b]Do not understand enough about my world to criticize my lore in an attempt to assuage my thoughts on your character[/b][/u], that is the sense I was conveying. Do not try to use unexplained lore against me, you are likely to lose every time. [/quote] Considering you've barely imparted more than the absolute necessities, no, I'd wager it'd be impossible to win that argument. You'd be able to whip out previously-unknown tidbits as you saw fit. Also, the reason behind [@ShotgunBear] 's alleged lack of understanding could have something to do with the lack of material to begin with. I don't mean to sound abrasive, but here's a tip: if your entire role play centers around the Immortals, and only those returning from the first campaign have even the slightest understanding of what does and does not constitute a proper, lore-compliant Immortal, then there's a bit of an issue. I would recommend revising the manner in which you present the lore in the OOC; while the medical files are cute, and an interesting read, they don't hold a candle to proper exposition. I would also recommend minding the condescension. I know sounding rude is not your intention, but when we start waving around the boldface with reckless abandon, the message gets lost within the tone in which it's delivered.