“Is the meeting over already?” Neena’s voice called out from a mere forty feet away. Even in the airports rented Jeep Wrangler, it couldn’t get over all THAT kind of wreckage. With a somewhat amused chuckle, Neena parked the jeep and jumped out from over the side, vaulting herself over the door with ease as her black boots landed firmly in the sand. As Neena closed the distance between herself and the man in the iron suit, she knew fully well that she must have stuck out like stick in the mud. Sporting her usual black leather attire, it wasn’t exactly ‘tropical’ per-say, nor the mess of jet black hair, white face makeup and the black tattoo around her eye were all too common around the area either. Still, she walked with a confident stride as if she had been here for years, owning up to her own presence. It was nice to be out of the school grounds though for a change. Sure over the year that she had spent at the school she was given a mission here and there, mostly just ‘paper boy’ silly stuff and that got her out, but until now Neena didn’t have a [i]reason[/i] to go out. With her mercenary ties cut and no longer interested in going back to S.H.I.E.L.D under the direction it was taking, Neena had been feeling like she had been in a state of Limbo; not wanted here…not needed there. It was enough to drive her crazy with her own thoughts as she now had plenty of time to think. Maybe this ‘war’ was just what she had indirectly wished for, a reason to fight, a reason to stand for something. It certainly got her adrenaline pumping though, just the way she liked it. Given her past, Neena had thought that a break from all this mercenary life was just what she needed, as during the time her affiliations were uncertain. She had always walked that thin line of vigilantism; she had been that way ever since she left the church as a child. The way the mission went was the way she dealt with things, and if people got in the way then so be it. When she agreed to work for Fury though, all of that was supposed to change. He promised to help her fill that empty hole she felt in the pit of her soul, he promised to mentor her, shape her into a true vigilante; and now he was gone. No, ‘vacation’ time at Xavier’s school did nothing for Neena if only making her angrier and even more prone to pop a bullet in the skulls of those responsible. Time at the school did however teach Neena one thing; and that was the significance of her mutation. But then again, [i]every[/i] mutant at the school was exceptionally significant the way that the staff talked on about them, coddling the children as if trying to protect them by filling their heads with compliments would keep them safe. Still though, she was able to fully understand just what having a mutation meant, and she was able to learn so much about those like her. As a mercenary, she often felt like she was alone. Hell even the government didn’t want her as a child as her mutation was cast off as a ‘dud’ and they wanted her disposed of, like a misprinted T-shirt. “Stark…” Neena acknowledged finally approaching the metal suit and coming to a halt in front of him and rested her hands on the sides of her hips, hoping to GOD that she was actually talking to the REAL Tony Stark and not just one of his suits on ‘auto-pilot.’ She tilted her head to the side slightly in a curious expression, looking up into the two squarish slits that made up the eyes of the metal armor. She hadn't actually ever seen Stark's suits in person before, let alone having ever met Tony himself; but she sure knew about him; who on this planet didn't? ...and his ego wouldn't of had it any other way. "You called?" She smirked, the tip of her black lips twitching up into a bit of a smile.