Name: (Alexis) Sergeant Taylor Appearance: [hider=] [img][/img] [/hider] Profession: Titan Security Officer History: Taylor was never very fond of being a bruteful or brash security officer, but her father served as one for many years and she looked up to him. Later on after always recognizing her father as a hero and great father for taking care of her after her mother died, they were transferred aboard the Titan Space Station. However soon after the transfer, her father had to leave the security job due to his age, but mostly because he was dying due to an illness he had kept away from her. As he was her father, guardian, and caretaker, he didn't want to look weak in front of his daughter. Now gone, she's been looked at to take his place, and fill his shoes. She even wears his old suit which is much too large for her. It wasn't too hard to get into the Security detail as the other officers trusted her, the ones who knew her father anyway. And also the fact her father encouraged her to become Security as the benefits were good to live off of and it wasn't a hard job. Taking her to the firing ranges, practice runs, and other drills needed for the detail, she grew to know how to get through it rather quickly. Suit: [url=]Standard Security Suit (Aged)[/url] Weapons: [url=]EarthGov Pulse Rifle[/url] Additional Gear: 2 Power Nodes, 1 Small Medpack, 300 (3 packs) Pulse Rifle Ammunition (One in use) [h1][color=green]Alive[/color][/h1]