[b]Name[/b]: Corporal Byron Veikkaus [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=With suit off] [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/2wpuiyu.png[/IMG] [/hider] [b]Profession[/b]: Titan Station Security Personnel. [b]History[/b]: Despite his usual pessimistic outlook on things, Byron really loved the station he was living on and wanted to do more for it. Growing up he typically under achieved though he had more than enough of an ability to over do so. He was just lazy, and this did not get very much positive attention from Byron's rather strict parents, in fact it was the opposite. Besides this, his upbringing was quite [i]normal[/i], or even too much for Byron. He got older and wanted more, wanted to do more, experience more things. Byron had always been confident, so he decided to become a security officer for the space station, but was noticed quickly by his fellow comrades and quite frowned upon for his laid back attitude. Surprisingly enough to them, Byron did was he was told, and got stuff done. Efficiently too, but this was only when he wanted to do so. Yet he only found himself at a dead end again, petty crimes and rifle wielding still did not satisfy what he was looking for. This was until recently. Byron's parents were both missing. What would someone want to do with a couple so old of age? He never expected it, and neither did anyone else. A short investigation took place only days before the oncoming storm that was about to be a necromorph outbreak. [b]Suit[/b]: [url=http://deadspace.wikia.com/wiki/Riot_Security_Suit]Standard Riot Security Suit.[/url] [b]Weapons[/b]: [url=http://deadspace.wikia.com/wiki/SWS_Motorized_Pulse_Rifle]SWS Motorized Pulse Rifle[/url] w/ Grenade Launcher Secondary Fire, [url=http://deadspace.wikia.com/wiki/211-V_Plasma_Cutter]211-V Plasma Cutter[/url] (Sidearm). [b]Additional Gear[/b]: x1 Medium Medical Pack, x1 Power Node, Various Magazines and forms of ammunition, x2 Ration Packs, x2 Water Sacks, Flashlight & Batteries. [h1][color=green]Alive[/color][/h1]