Indigo stared blankly at the dude whose bag he kicked off the platform. When your first impression of someone is 'showoff prickbag', than you pretty much know you aren't going to like them. But then he had the audacity to blame Indi. Who the hell even leaves there stuff in front of a door if you don't want someone to send it flying? Who the hell leaves there stuff on an outside platform miles and miles above Vale where it could easily fall off? Indi stepped towards the emo looking kid and scoffed. "Maybe don't leave your shit on an open platform right in front of a door. Sound good?" He said, one fist balled in anger. He could throw this prick off this plane and onto the streets of Vale as a douche-y pancake with a single gust. He sharply turned around and laid down on the hard metallic floor to look up at the sky. It was a little cloudy today. Not overcast or anything, just a few more clouds than usual. It was a little odd, to say the least, but he wasn't a cloud scientist, so he wouldn't bother looking into it. He quickly got bored of the cloud watching, and looked back up at his new enemy, drinking him in, really looking him up and down. His eyes were a disgusting vomit yellow-green, and his hair looked a mess. Not in the cool way like Indi's, just ruffled and bad. He wore lots of black, including ripping off Indi's style with fingerless gloves. Definitely the kind of guy to quote poetry at you and smoke just to look cool. He decided to probe this guy a little more, see if he had a shitty tragic backstory or some garbage. "What brings you here, anyways? You look like the type to write shitty melodramatic vampire novels, not go fight Grimm."