[quote=@Yahtzee] Here's my CS! Super excited to get started and stuff. Hope everything is okay with what I've put down. [Hider = CS: Art Buckley] Full Name: Art Buckley Codename: Blitz Gender: Male Age: 20 Ethnicity: Caucasian Wicca Nationality:Irish Height: 5'8.5" Weight: 73Kg Appearance: [img]http://www.malemodelscene.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Junji-Hata-for-Popeye-Magazine-MaleModelSceneNet-00.jpg[/img] Personality: A cheerful and easygoing person with an easily distracted and immature nature. He tends to always be flippant even about more serious matters like life and death, particularly when it comes for him. There are very few people he will listen to or respect but those he does have lived a 'full' life although what defines that depends on the person. Classification: Metahuman Powers/Abilities: [url]http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Physics_Manipulation[/url]: It's a pretty vague power but he mainly uses it to convert energy from on form into another very rapidly, giving or changing vectors of objects that he comes into direct contact with, and finally density manipulation. There have been three occasions where he has had to use his powers to convert matter from one form to another but all those times left him exhausted and unable to use any further abilities for at least an hour. Weaknesses: In order for him to manipulate something he needs to have direct contact with it. Furthermore it takes a great deal of concentration and due to his nature he tends to only be able to maintain that level for a moment or two before it breaks and he needs to have changed whatever is needed lest it backfires. Taking his necklace off would leave him in a mire of self-doubt and shyness and only a desperate situation could pull him out of it. Weapons: Coins. They are just regular coins and he spends them and receives them but he uses them as a ranged attack when he applies a vector to them. Gear: He wears a silver pentacle on a black chain around his neck. It has no special powers but having it close by gives him confidence he would otherwise not have. Skills: He is fairly competent on the theory of magical rituals and summons as well as pacts and the various demons that they can be made with but only the theory and the only practical experience he has is what he has observed. Brief History: Art was born into an Irish coven of witches. Nothing like what Promethues was looking for but they were powerful in their own way. They had grimoirs and tomes about all kinds of demons and would regularly undertake rituals in order to bring about whatever they desired in exchange for certain favours to whatever demonic entities they were worshiping. Art's powers had nothing to do with anything magical however they were first discovered in the midst of his rite of passage as the demon he was meant to pledge his life to spurned him as abhorrent. His parents were uncertain about what to do with this but he used it as the excuse he needed to run away and set out on his own as the rebel of the witches. For a few years he learned everything he could by sneaking into schools as a potential student and sitting in on lessons. Every now and then a teacher would catch on and either kick him out immediately or try to convince him to join them. Art always refused and moved on as he wanted but he retained what he learned and only wanted to learn more. One day that didn't particularly stand out he was hit by a truck instead of being squishified the truck reached an instantaneous standstill. Everyone simply assumed the breaks kicked in at the nick of time. The driver hadn't seen Art at all and no breaks had been activated but that details wasn't noticed by anyone. Later that week he intervened in a group of kids bullying a young girl. He simply wanted to put a hand on the one young man's chest to halt him. Instead the man was hit by a truck's worth of energy and turned into an ugly stain against a solid concrete wall. After being launched through a similar wall that had been in front of that one. That had been the first time Art had used his powers and he recoiled from himself and sought help from the only source he knew: His family. They were reluctant but his younger sister became insistent and it was she that gave him his pentacle in acceptance back into the coven. For another few years life was good and peaceful as he remained an outsider to his family and learned what he could about himself from otherworldly beings that somehow always knew more about what he could do than anyone else. Slowly he began to develop his powers before bidding his family farewell once and for all and heading to New York at the age of 19. That was where he found out about a group called Prometheus and he approached them, with some difficulty, and volunteered himself to join up. They were reluctant to accept him until he told them about his powers. Other: Given his place of birth he has an Irish accent. He finds to much noise unpleasant and converts a fair amount of any soundwaves that contact him into stored energy which means that from time to time it can be hard to get his attention if in a place with an unpleasant sound. He can hear but it's very muffled. [/Hider] [/quote] Yeah Like Genni said, I'm not quite sure of how his powers work. Could you explain some more of what all he can do with vectors