[H1][center][color=6ecff6]IVAN[/color][/CENTER][/H1] Ivan's eyes widen as he heard the voice nearby, trying to keep his head turned away as he refastened the clasps of his mask, berating himself for losing track of his surroundings, a mistake that would cost a Watcher their life. He took a moment to calm down before looking at the human inquiring about the seat. He sighed slowly, eyeing the young man for a moment, the boy seeming as anxious on the outside as Ivan had felt since the airship had taken off and left his familiar life behind. [I][color=6ecff6]Prey[/color][/I]. The thought came unbidden, but that uncertainty was a neon sign to the predator instincts. He brushed the thought aside quickly with parcticed ease. Ivan sighed as he scooted over towards the arm of the couch, pushing Jet Stream to the floor off the arm rest where it landed with a shuddering thud and scooting as close to the arm as he could, before looking back up at the human, affecting a mask of indifference, easy to pull off with half his face hidden, [color=6ecff6]"Help yourself,"[/color] the words seeming to come from far away as they reverberated through the mask, [color=6ecff6]"its not like I own the thing,"[/color] he finished, watching the newcomer. He hesitated for a second, thinking of keeping to himself, but his curiosity won out, wondering what reasons humans might have for making the journey to Beacon, [color=6ecff6]"So how'd you end up here,"[/color] he said, a forced casualness to his voice, [color=6ecff6]"here to 'fight the good fight' as you people put it, or just a fan of the hunt,"[/color] a hint of genuine curiosity leaking through. [@Aldridge]