[hider=Alice] [b]Age[/b]: 300 years younger than her home universe which imma leave as: too damn old for me to depict but assume over a few quintillion though she looks to be in her mid twenties [b]powers[/b]: Witchcraft: as a plague witch, alice does have some perks such as minor soular manipulation through rituals, binding agreements that allow her to enthrall someone should they agree with her too much, threads she can manipulate into causing a corpse to move at her command, close wounds, or simply lock up someone's nerves, as well as hcl standards: flight, super strength, super speed, telekenisis, etc. Plauge-craft: as a plague witch, alice exudes decay and pestilence naturally though she's able to control and direct it through her magic, shutting off her magic causes her aura to go on over drive, causing rapid decay of everything around her and the infection of all living things within a certain radius outside of that which has led to the destruction of various continents in her travels. Soular disposition: simply put; She's removed her soul and is thus immune to soular attacks directly with an added benefit of making her regenerate from nearly any wound with a few exceptions Weaknesses: while she's quite powerful, she does share stereotypical weaknesses for a witch in that wounds inflicted by a silver weapon take much longer to heal, and if you bury her with a silver stake in her heart, she'll stay there unless the stake is removed. While silver was the example, this also extends to all pure metals, meaning things like iron, gold, platinum, etc. will have similar effects though the value tends to increase the potency. Also, if you manage to go through the arduous task of finding her soul and manage to destroy it, doing so will kill her for good [b]Description[/b]: varies due to shape shifting, however in her basic form she appears to be a woman in her mid twenties with a flowing black dress, raven hair, and red eyes. [b]Bio[/b]:[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvdf5n-zI14]nope[/url] [b]from[/b]: mah brain [b]Theme song[/b]: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhPHMdYOSwQ[/url][/hider] [hider=Torvald rimister] [b]Age[/b]:as old as his home universe [b]Powers[/b]: Incredible experience: while not innately powerful, the sheer wealth trillions of years of existence in constant combat, study, training, and living has taught torvald to be able to anticipate nearly anything, allowing him to be able to analyze situation and read people as if he could read their minds or predict the future. Druidic magic: basically; he can do a bit of everything magically through the manipulation of all natural and, by extension, unnatural forces. However, the broadness of the art causes it to be fairly weak when compared to the specializations such as pyromancy or necromancy Beast hunter's knowledge: as a stand out from his wealth of experience, torvald focused his times into studying the slaying of nearly any beast imaginable from the highest seraphim to the lowest fiend he has a poison and magic for it Dragon knight's shifting: As the founder of the dragon knight order under directives from the creator gods of his dimension, torvald is capable of shapeshifting into a dragon, opening up advanced magics and techniques only available in that form, though, this does cause him to grow in size by quite a bit and can't actually be used indoors if he wants to keep the building intact. Creators' blessing: simply put; he's immortal. there are ways to 'kill' an immortal in hcl though. Weakness: While he's immortal, he's not invincible or immune to pain, often times he will retreat from a fight if he cannot win it even though, through attrition, he could technically do so. Also, he's incredibly weak in terms of hcl. while he's far above the average human, most chars could easilly kill him. the problem is keeping him dead [b]Appearance[/b]: He appears to be in his mid thirties, often times sporting a beard with his silver hair braided in the back, his eyes the same color. He often times wears a cloak but wears a simple tunic and breeches underneath, having not ever cared for material things since they all rotted and withered eventually. He also carries two swords, one silver for beasts, and one steel for men. The silver one is actually effective at non-human entities due to the nature of silver in his home dimension, making it just as effective at angel slaying as demon slaying. [b]Bio[/b]: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvdf5n-zI14]nope[/url] [b]from[/b]: mah brain [b]theme song[/b]:[url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbttZVTSJRU[/url] [/hider]