[hider=Adelia Sophia Marsden] [centre][img]http://img05.deviantart.net/a8d7/i/2011/282/f/5/queen_of_merfolk___human_form_by_maril1-d4caqf3.jpg[/img] [h2][color=2B9CB8]Adelia Sophia Marsden[/color] [/h2] [i]Since being cursed Adelia has grown fond of showing more skin and reflecting the sea in her attire. However, it should be noted that she displays a more appropriate level of modesty during formal occasions.[/i] [hider=Siren] [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/090/2/4/siren_by_telthona-d7cehbr.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/centre] [h3][color=2B9CB8]Generic Information[/color] [/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Adelia Sophia Marsden [b]Gender:[/b] female [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Height:[/b] 5’4” [b]Sexuality:[/b] Bisexual, though she is inclined towards men since they are easier to wrap around her finger. [h3][color=2B9CB8]Psych Profile[/color] [/h3] [b]Traits[/b] [list] [*] [u][color=2B9CB8]Silver Tongue[/color] [/u] - Adelia has a way with words and using them to get what she wants, whether it be through her soothing speech or near angelic vocals. [*] [u][color=2B9CB8]Perceptive[/color] [/u] - Adelia has a keen awareness, especially in the social realm. She is well versed in separating truth from gossip and picking up on others underlying feelings and motivations. [*] [u][color=2B9CB8]Heart of Stone[/color] [/u] - It is tough to get an emotional rise or fall out of Adelia. She is ultimately looking out for herself and everyone else is simply pieces with the potential to benefit or hinder her. As an ally becomes a hindrance she can mentally sever their ties with indifference, and if a foe and her goals begin to align she is quick to consider enlisting their aid. [/list] [b]Flaws[/b] [list] [*] [u][color=2B9CB8]Attention Seeker[/color][/u] - Adelia enjoys being the center of attention too much for her own good. Her apathy towards others make the terms good attention and bad attention null. Attention is attention and she craves it all the same. [*] [u][color=2B9CB8]Deceiver[/color][/u] - It can be tough for Adelia to keep track of the tangled web of lies she spins for her benefit. Particularly when she tells multiple people different things within the same setting. If it seems like the cats going to get out of the bag she will first try to vacate the scene, then to come up with plausible deniability. [*] [u][color=2B9CB8]Selective Education[/color][/u] - Outside the realm of humanities and social sciences Adelia is rather uniformed. Everything but the most basic natural and formal sciences will go right over her head. [/list] [b]Monster Traits[/b] [list] [*] [u][color=2B9CB8]Siren Song[/color][/u] - Adelia has a voice to die for. Mortals, especially men are irresistibly drawn towards her. The trance they are put under is so strong that her fishy appearance is overlooked entirely. She might as well be the most beautiful woman ever to have existed inviting them to take a final dip beneath the waves. Against fellow monsters, and others resistant to her call, she might opt to instead unleash a powerful sonic scream. At it’s strongest it can deafen mortal ears, shatter brittle substances, or even briefly part water. [*] [u][color=2B9CB8]Mer-Creature Abilities[/color][/u] - In monster form Adelia grows gills, scales, fins, and a tail. These additions alone are enough to make her unparalleled in the water. However, the razor sharp fangs and claws she sports are reminders that she’s no little mermaid. Furthermore at her disposal is degree of water manipulation that allows her to create crashing waves, small whirlpools, and so on while she is in direct contact with water. She is also capable of selectively transforming individual parts of her body at will. [*] [u][color=2B9CB8]Shark-like Senses[/color][/u] - While transformed Adelia gains new and enhanced senses with which to experience the world and track her prey. Foremost she has a keen sense of smell cable of detecting traces as scarce as one part per million. Adelia's eyesight largely remains the same, with the exception of her being able to see clearly in low light and through liquids. In regards to hearing, she becomes sensitive to low frequency sounds and is able to pinpoint their relative origin with ease. Next she is able to pick up on the electrical impulses produced by muscle contractions of living creatures. Finally, Adelia is able to feel differentials in water pressure, including vibrations. [/list] [b]Monster Flaws[/b] [list] [*] [u][color=2B9CB8]Fish out of Water[/color][/u] - This should be rather self explanatory. Adelia’s monster form is quite simply unsuited for the land. Most of her abilities are severely hindered, or unusable entirely while she resides away from water. [*] [u][color=2B9CB8]Dehydration[/color][/u] - Adelia needs to submerse herself in water on a regular basis in order to maintain her health and beauty. Should she fail to do so she will feel ill, and her skin will begin to dry and crack. From there her condition continues to deteriorate, ultimately resulting in death. High temperatures, and exposure to elements of heat will accelerate this process. [*] [u][color=2B9CB8]Predatory Nature[/color][/u] - When Adelia fully transforms there is usually one thing on her mind, dinner. To make things worse while her range of hearing is increased, the clarity of the sounds she receives is reduced making it more difficult to communicate with her audibly. If she hasn’t fed recently the scent of blood will drive her into shark-like frenzy. [/list] [b]Backstory:[/b] Adelia was born an only child with her father, Lord Marsden, the head of a prosperous trading company. Her mother left while she was very young for various reason and she scarcely even remembers her. In a way she might have been lucky, for instead of being left at home under the care of servants like many children of her status she was taken abroad via ship as soon as she was age enough. This way she got a crash course in culture, art and an exposure to the adult world. Her father taught her that the only thing in this world she should rely are blood ties, and that nobody else but family was truly looking out for her best interests. While abroad Adelia fell in love with the theater and in response her father purchased one so that she may practice and get guaranteed starring roles. As it would turn out she had natural singing talent and soon opted to become a performer. As much as Lord Marsden hoped she would take up the family business, he found her passion equally worthy. He just hopes that she will attract a man of caliber and produce a son or two who could carry the torch. Over time her fame and prosperity got to her head and she began to make side ventures in her families name. When she finally received an invitation to Lord Nixus’s masquerade she considered it only natural and her biggest opportunity yet. As such cancelled all her prior engagements and let all her ‘friends’ and acquaintances know that she was selected. When she first arrived at the château she was under the impression that the masquerade was a sham. Aside from the status of simply attending she was there for one purpose. To be recognized by the Lord himself. She would not be satisfied with mingling the other nobles that considered themselves on par with one such as herself. After looking around for him she determined that his absence was a ploy to demonstrate his own importance. Adelia cursed herself for the cancellations she made to attend before turning towards the door. However, she was interrupted by a servant girl motioning to her. Her lips formed into a thinly veiled smile and she masked her annoyance at the Lord taking his sweet time. What came next though she could have never predicted. Bestowed upon her was a blessing like no other. Now she can explore the great seas in ways she never imagined since she was a child and no man can resist her voice. In her mind the downsides paled by comparison, and she found herself willing descending into darkness. Even if it means heeding Lord Nixus’s every beck and call. [b]Character Motivation:[/b] To make the most of her new found gift to fulfill her desires of splendor. The costs to others is irrelevant. As much as she wants to take back complete charge of her life from Lord Nixus, she’s not sure if she wants freedom if it means returning to normal. However, if a way presented itself to have both she would pursue it with her all. [b]Opinion Of Others:[/b] [b]Other:[/b] [/hider]