[center][img]http://www.zonammorpg.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Cube-World.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [center] A danger has risen within the town of Picroma; multiple demons have began appearing around the town and the amount of citizens are beginning to decrease. A mage identifies it as " The dimension of hell is leaking! " He states but he was stabbed to death by a demon warrior before he could spread the news. Soon panic is going to plague the town of Picroma unless four warriors will rise up to the challenge and meet the one who causes the danger.[/center] [hr] [b]Races[/b] [list] [*]Humans |Self explanatory, nothing special increases there ability but there are the most common within earth. [*]Elves |Smaller and more slimmer than humans, the elves are naturally faster than any race but weaker than the other races. [*]Dwarve's | The Dwarve's excel in strength but are very slow. They can be easily tempered but are good people to keep around when you want to have a good 'ol beer. [*]Fae | The Fae are solely magic based, having the ability to fly the can have extreme advantages over others; but are vulnerable to the material iron. The Fae are small and pixie size but can change sizes if the users level is high enough. [*]Orcs | Stronger than the dwarve's they are taller and more built but there personalities cause them to be easily angered. They are prone to strength and casually cocky over there own abilities.[/list] [b]I added and removed some of the classes that were originally in Cube World[/b] [hr] [b]Classes[/b] [list] [*]Warrior | The Warrior is significantly the strongest out of all the classes. They are usually equipped with heavy armor, a shield, and a sword. [*]Ranger | Are quick and agile, having the ability to quickly shoot arrows the are weak but can easily evade the opponents attacks. [*]Mage | The Mage is fast, agile, and quick at casting there spells. But weaker than all than all the classes. There spells are powerful but can be easily dodged. [*]Rogue | They are agile and sneaky, quickly using multiple attacks then evading they are known to be mysterious. [/list]