[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/5oHy2Ua.png[/img][/center] [color=9999cc][b]Full Name:[/b][/color] Vivienne Fãs Serviço Almeida [color=9999cc][b]Codename:[/b][/color] Nicotine [color=9999cc][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=9999cc][b]Age:[/b][/color] 27 [color=9999cc][b]Ethnicity:[/b][/color] Latina [color=9999cc][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] Brazilian [color=9999cc][b]Height:[/b][/color] 5'11" (180cm) [color=9999cc][b]Weight:[/b][/color] 42kg (mass affected by powers) [color=9999cc][b]Appearance:[/b][/color][center][hider=Nicotine][img]http://i.imgur.com/yMrie0d.png[/img][/hider][/center] [color=9999cc][b]Personality:[/b][/color] While appearing bubbly and playful on the surface Nicotine has a vicious streak hidden beneath and can strike without warning when provoked. [color=9999cc][b]Classification:[/b][/color] Metahuman [color=9999cc][b]Powers/Abilities:[/b][/color][indent][hider=Smoke-form][i]Smoke-form[/i] ([url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Smoke_Manipulation]Typhokinesis[/url])[indent][hider=Intangible]Nicotine has the ability to transform her body into smoke, becoming a cloud of intangible gas which can fill a space of approximately 200m[sup]2[/sup] while maintaining enough density to obscure vision. Dissipating herself any wider that this makes Nicotine translucent to the point of invisibility.[/hider] [hider=Omniscience]While in her smoke form Nicotine is aware of anything which happens within her cloud, although cannot sense or perceive things happening outside of her area of control. This awareness can become overloaded when she is spread over a wide area, necessitating her to fully concentrate on one area at a time in order to monitor activities, for instance a single building or other location.[/hider] [hider=Incapacitation]In high concentration states Nicotine can use her smoke form as a weapon, binding and trapping a target in her coiling vapours or forcing herself over their mouths or into their airways to suffocate them. Studies have shown exposure to Nicotine's smoke form has no long term health implications for those around her, and once recovered her targets may act and move as normal.[/hider][/indent][/hider][/indent] [color=9999cc][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color][indent][hider=Windswept]While in her smoke form Vivienne is subject to atmospheric conditions, such as winds, thermal updrafts and turbulence from objects passing through her.[/hider] [hider=Involuntary Activation]Vivienne's incorporeal nature can sometimes trigger involuntarily, especially during highly emotional situations, leaving her unable to act on objects physically until she regains control of herself.[/hider] [hider=Waif]Even in a solidified state Vivienne has very little weight and can easily be knocked aside and thrown around by almost any opponent. She makes up for this somewhat with her skills in hand-to-hand combat, but still lacks the physical strength to easily cause damage to her enemies.[/hider][/indent] [color=9999cc][b]Weapons:[/b][/color][indent]Nicotine can shape her smoke into solid, non-mechanical shapes, for instance blades, bludgeons and stabbing weapons. These blades can be thrown at distant targets but lose cohesion the further they are from her body, becoming nothing more than vapour after 187m.[/indent] [color=9999cc][b]Gear:[/b][/color][indent]None. As Nicotine's power affects her whole body at once she is unable to carry any items, even clothing, while using her abilities. She normally gets around this problem by forming clothes from her smoke, although technically she's almost always naked.[/indent] [color=9999cc][b]Skills:[/b][/color][indent]As a former supermodel Nicotine knows about fashion, presentation, psychological manipulation and seduction. She is also talented in a number of 'persuasion techniques', especially when it comes to influencing men. With her father's streetfighter training Nicotine is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant, able to use her abilities and combat techniques in combination to take out most opponents easily.[/indent] [color=9999cc][b]Brief History:[/b][/color][indent][hider=History]While growing up in São Paulo, Vivienne had no idea that her parents had once been the famous crime fighters 'Tufão' and 'Bull Dinâmico'[sup]1[/sup] believing instead that the strange leather and latex costumes she found in their closets were something personal and best not to be discussed with their teenaged daughter. Having hung up their tights when Tufo had become pregnant her parents had gone into the Superhero Protection Programme, leaving their lives behind to be relocated safely away from their old nemeses in order to give Vivienne a normal life. At the age of seventeen Vivienne was spotted by a talent scout for one of Brazil's largest fashion houses and soon found herself appearing on the covers of magazines across the country, and over the next few years she soon became recognised as one of the rising stars in the fashion world. With her international debut just around the corner her career hit a nosedive when a rival model gave Vivienne a poisoned cigarette in the hopes of eliminating her competition. The plan worked but not in the way the rival had planned as the cigarette caused Nicotine's powers to trigger for the first time, turning her body into vapour as she walked down the catwalk in the middle of an international fashion show, leaving her clothes behind on the floor and Vivienne naked and exposed before the world's press. Returning home in tears, her dreams of fame and fortune shattered, Vivienne was welcomed by her parents who, after revealing the truth of their own past, set out to train their daughter in the use of her newly awakened powers. Her mother, sharing her daughter's vapour-like abilities, taught Vivienne how to manipulate her density at will, forming solid shapes and vanishing into mist at will, while her father's tough street fighting skills allowed him to show his daughter how to handle herself when she needed to. After several years fighting crime on the backstreets of São Paulo, the woman once referred to as 'The Star Who Streaked The World of Fashion' is now ready to re-emerge as 'The Star Who Beat The World Of Crime'.[indent][indent][sub][i]1 - 'Typhoon' and 'Dynamic Bull' in Portuguese[/i][/sub][/indent][/indent][/hider][/indent] [color=9999cc][b]Other:[/b][/color][indent][hider=Heavy Smoker]Vivienne can almost always be found smoking a cigarette, usually using a signature cigarette holder formed from her own smoke. While she tells people that she needs to do this to maintain her smokey existence in reality it's more just to annoy people she doesn't like.[/hider] [hider=Lover]Bisexual in nature, Vivienne is currently in a committed relationship with Harriet Robinson, a fellow fashion model from The United Kingdom she first became friends with during her time on the catwalk. Vivienne doesn't know that the poisoned cigarette which triggered her powers was given to her by Harriet, who had been tricked by Vivienne's rival into believing the cigarette had been laced with an aphrodisiac she could use to her own advantage.[/hider] [hider='Superhero Slut']Vivienne secured her first contract as a fashion model by performing lewd acts with an executive from the fashion house for which she ended up working and a sex tape of these acts is available on the internet for those who know where to look. This, along with the embarrassing first display of her powers and her open and honest attitude regarding her sexuality, has led the social activist Constance Whitehouse to start an online hate campaign against the 'Superhero Slut', who she feels is no proper role model for the world's children.[/hider][/indent]