"Heheh. Bet you'd like seeing two men have at it, huh? Don't worry, I ain't judging..." Indi retorted. He was surprised about how spot on his 'jail-trash' comment was though. It was probably just a lucky guess or coincidence or whatever, but it was kinda funny the first insult that came out of his mouth related to criminal activity. "I'm also here to fight monsters. I think everyone here is. What I meant was why you fight the monsters. Like to, say, get ridiculously famous and have everyone love you. Sorry if my question was a little to high level for you. I'll dumb it down next time." He explained, a self-righteous grin on his hidden face. "But enough about that. How'd you do that thing with the bag? You're a stick, so the sword thing makes sense, but no one has reaction time and coordination like that." He asked, trying to get information for the inevitable fight they were going to have. He knew that when he grabbed the bag he was using his semblance, but what was it? And how long could he use it? Was it adrenaline? Was it a time power? Super speed? All Indi had seen was him rocket off the platform with his swords, and come right back on. He got back up and leaned against the airship with Garrett, the same smirk from before still there, strong as ever.