[i]Location: Undisclosed - Research Facility[/i] The temperature inside the industrial plant was unbearably hot. Prime Minister Lei peeped down from the rafters, observing the assembly line at work while fanning himself, exhaustively. Plumes of steam clouds spewed from the exhaust pipes of large mechanical arms. These contraptions were articulately shaping scrap metal as if it were clay. Workers tirelessly operated at their designated stations. They welded what the machine arms created while reinforcing other attachments with bolts and screws. "Sir?" A voice called out from behind Lei. "What?" He said, irritably. "We've prepared the prisoner." Prime Minister Lei turned to find Isao The Fox, who looked completely unphased by the sweltering heat of the facility. He grabbed a handkerchief from his breast pocket and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Finally." Lei uttered, stomping past Isao as he headed toward the elevator shaft. [center] *** [/center] The room was dark, unfiltered, and boiling. A man positioned himself on the floor with his legs crossed in meditation. Who knows how long he's been captive. With no window to the outside world the days felt lumped together. Time had become a complete uncertainty. All he had to go by was the length of his beard, which had grown from his chin, now down to his collar bone. His body ached in agonizing pain from his captor's interrogation methods. Despite his condition however, the man felt resilient enough to keep going. A loud shrill sound disrupted his momentary peace. The man leapt to his feet and got into a fighting stance. "Do what you will, heathens!" His voice bounced all over the metal walls. The energy from the air he expended while talking, recirculated back into his chi. He felt strong. Prepared. "I will not give up the location! Not in a thousand years!" "Yes, well....while you have the luxury of time, we do not." Prime Minister Lei's voice blasted through a speaker on the upper corner of the cell. "Give us what we want." For a moment there was silence, then one of the walls quickly collapsed to the ground. The man snapped to with his guard up but all he could see were two, glaring red orbs. After being in the darkness for so long the brightness was unbearable. An unholy growl sputtered from what sounded like a creaking jaw. Was this supposed to be some kind of animal? Whatever it was, it was massive. "Wh-" "Give us the location!" "Oh gods! What is th- Arrgghh!!!--" [hr] [i]Lotus Port[/i] [img]http://coolvibe.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/theredship.jpg[/img] As described by your invitation, you make your way toward Lotus Port to dock the red ship at dawn. Passage to the Secret Cove is never taken the same way. Last year was done through Scorpion Bay, and the year before that was through Floating Leaf city. Many people from across the land have also boarded the ship, mostly martial artists like yourself, but you do spot two food vendors. They've been walking around the deck since they boarded, soliciting their goods with warm smiles. Judging by their appearance, you can tell they do not have much, but the wares in their possession smell of wonderful soups and kabobs. The red ship draws its anchor and leaves Lotus Port. The captain, much like his crew, are quiet individuals with a monk-like demeanor. They do not say anything to each other and yet they somehow manage to fulfill their ship duties. The red ship makes its way out into the massive lake of Daozen. The morning fog rolls in thicker than usual, making it difficult to see anything beyond the steamboat you're currently traveling on. You can sense the nervous jitters in the air. Several people have gathered onto the main deck, boasting their introductions proudly as they debate over who's style is the best. An argument suddenly erupts between a middle aged dwarf and a young human. "Ha! You're a liar. Tsubo is your name? Heh! Master Laila of the Shallow Step would never take in someone as ungraceful as a dwarf!" The young man grinned. "You're better suited for a more clumsy school like The Smiling Fist!" The dwarf named Tsubo clenched his teeth, pushing the young man back. "Shut your mouth, Duang, you juvenile pup! You're just jealous that my Master beat yours in combat. You're weak just like your Master Vetrus. Go cry in the corner little grieving spider!" The deck erupts in laughter. Duang, now furious, pushes the dwarf with all of his might, forcing him tumbling backward and into one of the food vendors. She gets knocked to the floor, spilling all of her wares. Some of the warm noodles and meats got on the dwarf, staining his silk green gi. Tsubo glares at the woman. "Stupid wench! You've drenched me in this filth!" He raises a stumpy hand and cocks it, ready to backhand her in the face.