[quote=@Cyclone] When I said create a plot and iron out details I meant something more along the lines of figuring out what the Dungeon Keeper will be like, what the rules will be, where this will take place... [/quote] Oh, you meant the important stuff which needs to be settled before we can start. That's probably a good idea. [quote] [@BBeast] Would you want to be a Co-GM? If you don't that's perfectly understandable, but I figured I'd extend the offer since the two of us ran this RP. [/quote] I must decline. I've started uni this year, so I'm rather short on spare time. I'll still help out as I can, and with mid-semester break coming up I'll have extra time then, but I've got enough on my plate without Co-GMing an RP. And on to the plan. I like the idea of progression as the story goes along, and encouraging player characters with rewards. These rewards, of course, would need to be tailored to each character, for all of our characters would have different motivations. The greatest reward (generally, anyway) would be some sort of skill upgrade, used to reward the bravest and most useful minions. As for location: One option is Outremar- the original home of the Keepers (set, of course, before we destroyed it). It is large, a bit of a blank slate. We can do a lot with it. Only downside is that there aren't much in the way of pre-built plot hooks. Another option is Elysium - Also reasonably large. Unlike Outremar, it comes with prefabricated civilisations which we can mould into a good story. My preference is this one, since it has a lot of potential. Third option is Cyprus, although it is perhaps a bit restrictive. Unless we want our plot to be some sort of showdown between us and the Cypriots, we don't have much room to move. Alternatively, we can build a whole new world, although I think that would be unnecessary considering that we already have a few. Now for the Keeper. Our Keeper needs to not be tied down to a single theme, for that would restrict what kinds of characters would be compatible. So what we need is some Generic Evil Overlord: [hider=Inspiration] [img]http://www.triumphstudios.com/Overlord_Tower_Minions_Final.JPG[/img][img]http://img04.deviantart.net/5b01/i/2012/137/f/2/sauron_by_spartank42-d502g9o.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality needs to fit our needs. That is, he needs to be both strict in punishment and willing to reward those who do well. I'm thinking he'll be sparing in speech rather than make flamboyant speeches, for this is about the player characters, not the Keeper. Direct. Efficient. As for powers- well, throw in powers as necessary and within reason. He won't be doing much battling anyway (that's what we're for), so that shouldn't matter too much. One other matter that needs to be agreed on is our individual levels of power at the start. I'm thinking on the level of Rogue Beings. Not super-powerful Rogue Beings, but still fairly potent. P.S. We'll need a different name, too, to differentiate it from the normal Dungeon Keepers RPs.