[b][center]Kohl[/center][/b] Kohl looked at the student as he turned away, obviously doing something to the mask that was on his face. Kohl knew better than to tread on someone's self consciousness so he didn't ask about it. The student eyed Kohl for a second before saying [color=lightcoral]"Help yourself, its not like I own the thing."[/color] Kohl heard the students voice, muffled by the mask. Kohl took the quiver that was on his back full of arrows, and took off the scabbard that held his sword and leaned both items on the opposite armrest from the other Student. Kohl took a seat on the couch, next to the student before letting the hood that was over his head fall to his shoulders revealing his face. The student next to Kohl spoke again [color=lightcoral]"So how'd you end up here, here to 'fight the good fight' as you people put it, or just a fan of the hunt?"[/color] The voice sounded casual through his mask, giving Kohl a sigh of relief. [color=lightcoral]"Well, actually you could say being a hunter runs in the family."[/color] A small smile forming across his face, as he thought of his father. [color=lightcoral]"Name's Kohl by the way,"[/color] Kohl stated, extending his hand outward's toward the student for a handshake. [color=lightcoral]"What about you though, What brings you to beacon?"[/color] [@The Fox Without]