[center]Guinevere giggled under her breath as the man fumbled with his words. She reached out her hand to retrieve the flowers, her delicate fingers brushing over the outer surface of his hand, and pulled them closely to her chest. A stray golden strand of her hair swept into her bright blue eyes and she blinked hard. The sounds of the growing festival crowd filled her eardrums, and she silently thanked the man for not attracting any unwanted attention. Guinevere gathered her blue skirts in her right hand and held to the ragweeds with her other. The white flowers accented her pure, smooth skin, which prickled slightly with goose bumps at the dropping temperature. The air was thick with smoke from the roasting meats and vegetables, and Guinevere's nostrils happily welcomed the tempting smells. Her rose petal lips parted to reveal two rows of brilliantly white teeth. Her smile broke the awkward silence between the two, and she nodded slightly at the man before beginning around him without any exchange of speech. Guinevere couldn't afford another scolding from her father without publicly shaming him. Despite her stubborn attitude, she didn't desire to purposely push her father past his breaking point. As her regal form walked away, she couldn't help but turn once more to look upon the man. His trim, muscular figure was pleasing to look at, and his embarrassed expression was even cute. "I owe you one. If we ever bump into each other, that is." Her words were playfully sarcastic and casual, despite her higher standing, and she couldn't help but envy the man's lesser nobility. Guinevere's figure slowly faded into the noisy crowd as she disappeared into the festival's enchanting colors.[/center]