[Gideon] Gideon and his followers were on their way to his assigned room, Wilson and Ethan in the front, followed by Gideon, with Ashley, Sarah, and Jordan behind them. Back in the classroom, GIdeon had considered staying to teach the other students how to use their Words, but ultimately decided that he was too tired and left. “Do you [i]seriously[/i] expect us to stay with you in the guys dorms?” Ashley asked indignantly, following behind Gideon. “I’m not sure we’re even allowed to stay...” Sarah adds timidly. “Hopefully I can work something out. It’ll be safer for all of us if we can watch each other’s backs. Now that everyone has powers, I’m sure there will be more than one student eager to test theirs out on some poor soul, probably the smallest, weakest one they can find. And all of us will be vulnerable when asleep, so we’ll need people taking shifts to ensure we aren’t attacked at night.” Gideon explains. It did make sense. Dormitory building: A Room: 316 Room type: Double Roommate: Naoi Yukimura [i]A Japanese name from the sound of it. I wonder what Word he’ll have, or if I can make use of him. If not, I hope he can relocate gracefully enough. I already have five people with me.[/i] As they near the male dorms, the group of six receive some strange looks, especially the the girls, but no one says anything as they pass. Gideon comes to a stop just inside the lobby, where a receptionist and several guards awaited. “Hello, may I have your names please? Oh, this is not a co-ed dorm. The girls will have to stay in separate accommodations.” The receptionist states cooly when she notices the girls in his group. Gideon sighs. “Are you suuuuuuure?” “Quite so.” Gideon glances at the guards. He somehow doubted they were just for show. “Are you going to stop them from entering?” He asks, gauging their reaction. The guards shift slightly. Deciding not to press his luck, Gideon abruptly defuses the tension and smiles. “That’s too bad. I’m Gideon, and these are Wilson, Ethan, and Jordan.” He says, introducing them in turn. “I’ll be back soon, forgot my jacket inside the classroom.” With that bare-faced lie, Gideon promptly leaves. His Binded watch him go before realizing with a start that they missed their cue to follow him. Once outside, Gideon turns to Sarah and asks her “Try and make all of us invisible. Just imagine one of us turning invisible, without even a shadow or a sound left behind when we take a step.” [i]If this doesn’t work, I suppose I could break into the second floor and use Ethan to repair the wall. They can’t have guards on[/i] every [i]floor.[/i] After a moment of concentration, Ashley turns invisible. Her words of surprise grow muffled as she disappears from view. A few seconds later, Sarah shakes side to side violently as Ashley presumably grabs her by the shoulders. A very loud Ashley rapidly comes into view again. “That’ll do nicely. Please leave Sarah alone now, Ashley. You might be scaring her.” Gideon points out with amusement. --- [i]This will either work out very well or very poorly...[/i] The moment the group nears the entrance, they turn visible. [i]One of the guards must have a nullification Word. Let’s try something else.[/i] He asks Sarah to use Hide to prevent the cameras from seeing them before continuing. Gideon walks along the outside of the dorm and stops near the back. After binding wires in a square pattern on a section of the wall, Gideon has Jordan create hugely thick and heavy metal plates by the wires. Gideon binds the wires to the plates, causing a section of the wall to be torn off. Before he can enter however, a guard approaches them and asks them to stop. Gideon apologizes and has Ethan repair the wall before they leave. [i]This is some serious security they got here. They have people watching every single student at every moment, and using Words to do so, since we were all invisible and they still found us. Why would they even care so much? They expect most of us to die anyways. What could be so wrong about bringing girls into the male dorms? This is stricter than a prison... So, I can either make my own house, which shouldn’t be too hard if I find a few students with the right Words, or I can give up and sleep in the dorms. I’d have to leave Ashley and Sarah alone overnight though. I suppose they’ll be able to take care of themselves if I instruct them on what to do. I can make the house tomorrow once I find some furnishing-oriented students. [/i] Rather tired and slightly offended that their privacy was being so horribly invaded at every moment, Gideon walks back to the front of the dorm. After making it clear to Ashley and Sarah that they are to switch off watching over one another overnight as the other sleeps, he heads into the male dorms with Ethan, Jordan, and Wilson. “You guys really don’t have a choice in the matter, I know, but I hope you’ll at least agree with me that we could all die in our sleep if no one is protecting us. So, in order to prevent that, we’ll be taking shifts at night. Two of us will go to sleep first, and halfway through the night, we’ll swap with the other person. I’ll be doing my part too, so its fair for all of us.” Gideon explains sincerely. The others nod. “I think it’s a good plan actually.” Jordan says. “We’ve seen school shootings on the news, and it’s already pretty hard to get guns. Now, it’s like everyone has a gun.” He continues. “That’s true.” Wilson agrees. “I really don’t get why they try so hard to keep girls out of dorm rooms though. Aren’t most of us going to die anyways? It’d be like... a last meal or something. They should let us have fun.” “Mhm.” Ethan nods. “I haven’t even had a girlfriend yet.” The other guys all nod sympathetically. “We can help you out man. It’ll be okay.” The others share their support for his plight and a touching moment is created. --- After grabbing everyone’s luggage, they head up to Ethan’s room, Room 387. Gideon decided that being near the roof, on the top floor would be the safest place in case of a blight. If necessary, Gideon could create a zip line or net to descend safely. Inside was a spacious, fairly luxurious dorm room. There was no room mate to be found, and Gideon assumed that whoever had been assigned had died in the blight. Hopefully no one would be reassigned here, but if they were, they’d just be asked to leave. The four guys set their luggage down and file out. Fortunately, the room was spacious enough that even four people didn’t feel cramped in the one room. The last to leave the room, Gideon turns and covers the walls in layered steel mesh, partially welded together. He does the same to the door frame after closing the door and binding the door to the mesh as well. This way, no one could enter easily, and if someone did enter, they’d find it a bit more difficult to do so stealthily. After thinking about it a moment more, he lays extremely thin, basically invisible spider silk across the entire room haphazardly. Even if someone somehow got past the steel, they’d break the spider silk and Gideon would find out when he returned. Chatting off and on, the guys walk down to the cafeteria to eat some food. They’d had a long day. It’d probably be worse for the other classes actually, if they hadn’t had a reliable person in the room preventing casualties. Watching your classmates and friends die would be terrible for your mental health.