A vault, and a backwards cartwheel pulled Blitz Ranger away from the searing flames, scorch marks dulling his armor as he tried to avoid the worst of the fire. By the storm, this was [i]hot[/i]. Whoever this dastardly fiend was, he was certainly better armed than he would appear. But no matter-for justice always prevails! Blitz ran a wide circle around Mythica, burst of flame hot on his heels as he quickly assessed the situation. Alright, so this gangster in particular had powers, this much was obvious. Something told Blitz that fire was just one of them-this villain probably had a dozen tricks up his sleeve to escape justice-after all, the purpose of this meeting was to showcase them for potential buyers, yes? So, simply jumping in probably wasn't the most logical move, who knows what nasty surprise the bejeweled man had on him? Too bad he was never one for logic, eh? Blitz Ranger stopped in his tracks, holding up an angry fist towards Mythica. "You've got one thing right, fiend! Today [i]will[/i] be a demonstration-a demonstration of how evil always falters in the face of good!" He brought his arms in close, slowly bending his knees as if he was squatting down. As he did, there was a crackle of electricity about him as the energy of the very storm charged up, small sparks leaping off of his armor. With a loud crack, it released, and he made a single massive leap as a gust of wind kicked up in the garage and carried him ten, twenty, thirty feet through the air straight towards Mythica! [h3][color=yellow][b]"JETSTREAM KICK!"[/b][/COLOR][/h3]