[color=EE82EE]"I'm Vitoria by the way,"[/color] the other girl said with a polite smile. [color=EE82EE]"Vitoria Briar. My family runs the Briar Clinic just outside of Arrvern."[/color] [color=999933]"Never heard of it!"[/color] Gabby said with a curling smirk, wiping her hand across her face. [color=999933]"But then, unlike most, I don't find myself stricken with maladies every other month. It has something to do with soap and warm water."[/color] She couldn't help it: she snorted out another quick laugh, all too proud of her oh-so-clever self. [color=999933]"My name is Gabriela,"[/color] she answered as the two walked. She idly checked to be sure her focusing crystal was still at her wrist; thankfully, her fingers found the sharp edges of that green stone. She repeated the name [i]Vitoria[/i] once in her head, then continued speaking, curious thoughts buzzing around her head. [color=999933]"You may call me Gabby if you so wish. Say, doesn't Vitoria have some foreign roots? It sounds far less..." [i]Rough? Crude? Edessan?[/i] "...native than most."[/color] That would suffice. Gabby folded her arms behind her back, quirking an eyebrow over at this Vitoria. She seemed to be one of those genuinely good people - except there was no such thing as a genuinely good person, so that just made her suspicious. Still, she was pleasant enough to talk to, and she wasn't a lackwit, and she apparently knew something of medicine. Gabby prayed it wasn't just peasant remedies. [color=999933]"And don't worry yourself overmuch about that boy,"[/color] Gabby piped before Vitoria could get a proper word in. [color=999933]"He's one of those rough-and-tumble types. You could tell just by looking at him. He'd [i]probably[/i] prefer to embrace his inner head-thumper and just tough out whatever's ailing him. You know the type."[/color] Gabby sighed, shifting her arms up behind her head and glancing off into the distance as they walked. [color=999933]"Besides, we're on the move right now. I'm sure when we stop for camp there will be [i]plenty[/i] of time to make sure he doesn't keel over for good. "So! You said you run a clinic, right?"[/color] The young mage changed the subject, licking her dry lips before glancing up at Vitoria again. She didn't have to stretch her neck [i]too[/i] much to do so, thankfully, and she felt herself getting in a hawking mood. [color=999933]"Or ran one, I suppose. Well, perhaps you'd like to have a look at my wares some time, hm?"[/color] Gabriella's eyes started twinkling with the prospect of a sale. [color=999933]"I create balms, potions, salves; a variety of things that I'm sure would be of interest to a budding physician such as yourself. You [i]do[/i] plan on making a new clinic, right? Of course you do."[/color] Gabby looked around once more, this time checking to see if any guards were in earshot. She didn't want her goods confiscated for the sake of the caravan, after all.