Leaping in the air, waving her rifle over her head, Idaho hollered loudly as the simulation ended. [color=f49ac2]"You see that? We kicked their tin-plated asses!"[/color] She screamed over the radio, laughing jubilantly. After a couple of minutes she finally seemed to calm down a little, dropping the captured rifle on the floor and bending over to take some deep breaths, reaching up with her hand to flip open her helmet as she did. Iy was only then she remembered the grenade she was holding, the pin missing but activation plate still held firmly in her hand. [color=f49ac2]"Umm, guys..."[/color] She started, before quickly changing her mind. This was her first day with the new team and she didn't want to look like a total klutz or anything. Peering around one of the tall pillars she spotted a group of the training robots gathering together, lining themselves up ready for their next order to come through. Carefully tossing them grenade down amidst the group Idaho quickly but nonchalantly began to walk away, flinching as she heard the robots blowing up behind her but not looking back as she made her way out into the base.