[b][color=#58FA82]Matthew Mercer[/color][/b] Golden city, home to multitudes of unchecked and unsupervised 'heroes'. The heroes never being checked on always bothered Matt as they did anything they wished and the government just keeled over. Clicking his tongue he shook his head as he drove to the city hall, being one of the main benefactors for the charity he was invited but he was running rather late as something tied him up earlier. As he approached the building, it soon danced in a fiery explosion of orange and red, decimating the building in seconds. In complete and utter shock, Matt just sat in his car for a minute trying to take in what just happened. [i][color=#58FA82]How in the world, the heroes are meant to be indestructible.[/color][/i] he also realized that he would have died in that event, but somehow by God's grace he was late and fortunately didn't die. Revving up the engine, he drove close to the explosion site and got out of the car he tried to examine what happened. It took him around an hour to find the bombs point of origins, it was all different and all where near the more delicate structure of the building. [i][color=#58FA82]Whoever did this, he knew the structural integrity of the city hall in depth. No fingerprints, no residuemnothing. This guy was a professional.[/color][/i] His car radio has started to light up, "Dispatch, prisons under rebellion and attack we [i]cannot[/i] hold them down. [i]Where are the heroes?[/i]" Matt took a sample near from the point of origin and placed in a small plastic container and hurriedly got back into his car. [color=#58FA82]"This is what happens when we get spoiled with heroes, the city is useless without them like a bad drug."[/color] he muttered to himself, grabbing his phone [color=#58FA82]"Pick up. Pick up.[/color] as the tone passed by twice. Finally a click was heard and a female voice resounded, "Matt, what is going on!? Where are the heroes?" she asked in a deeply frightened voice. [color=#58FA82]"Their not here anymore, a bomb exploded in city hall and it killed them all, I don't know how or why, but that's what happened. Tell me the situation there."[/color] After she explained that there was mass panic and looting, and a villain named Flash Bang in the Golden Coast Bank, Matthew decided to revved his engine up once again and drive home to 'suit' up. Heroes were not here any longer and the city is going to have to accept that. After arriving home, he was met by the one that was on the phone, Anna, who was the brains of all the operations. She quickly ran up to hug him, with Matt just hugging back. He went into his home, opening a secret passage known only to him and a name few. He suited up, grabbing his gadgets and bow. Arriving near the Golden Coast Bank, Anna was tapping into the GCPD and N.A.I.L reports at what and who the 'Flash Bang' was and directly made Matt hear the reports. [color=#58FA82]"Always useful aren't you."[/color] he said to his communications with her replying with a giggle. Shooting a specialized arrow towards one of the windows. He grappled himself in the building. Then he finally finds 'Flash Bang' conversing with one of the tellers and finally turning around carrying what looks like a box. Swiftly aiming his recurve bow down towards the villain, he had shot but intentionally missed. Instead landing near his feet. He had caught the villain's attention and with a voice modulator he says, [color=#FE2E2E]"The next one goes directly in your heart. You have failed this city, drop the box and I will let you live, [i]maybe.[/i]"[/color] all the while drawing his recurve bow back and pointing it at him.