[h1][center][b]The Island[/b][/center][/h1] Sunlight slowly peeks over the horizon. Rising up from the distant waters, the shining sun casts its rays of light over ocean and land alike. It has been this way for millennia, keeping its blinding glare focused on the world, casting shadows and turning night into day. But today the sun turned its attention to a very specific spit of land, known as [i]the Island.[/i]. What this Island would become, how large it would become, who would live here, what would occur upon it, was yet to be seen. Isolated from the other lands, and unaffected by other worldly events, the Island stood in its place - lonely, but willing to sprout its stories. Tribal folk would dance upon its earthen claims. Kingdoms would rise and fall, giving way to powerful empires and nations. Great heroes would live on through song and legends. Gods and goddesses would find themselves in the heart of the people, whether through benevolence or through fear. But the Island was ready. Ready to sing its stories to the stars once the sun retreated back below the horizon...