[center]Name: Sillus Freewood Age: 21 Gender: Male Height: 5'9'' Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/7fAG3jP.png[/img] Personality: Brilliant yet courageous, Sillus is a born tactician. He gets annoyed really easily, but always trades in a fair manner, even if he was getting a great deal. Skills: Amazing Marksman Icewind : His bow adds the ice element to any arrow shot out of it. Blizzard Bio: Sillus was born and raised in Conall Curach, that was until the meteor smashed into the ground many many miles away. The impact of the rock had sent shock waves all the way to his village. They might as well have had suffered from an earthquake, for the devastation was about the same. His village was destroyed, and to make things worse as they began to build it back up, strange monsters, and behemoths and ghosts began to pour in by the the hundreds. The Selkie were forced to flee their land in order to survive. As they traveled, many of the Selkie in the group began to get very weak and then die. Everyone began to blame the strange mist that now covered the ground. Sillus' family and many others all died, only him and few others were able to find a haven in the Plains of Fum. Barely alive, he was treated right away and eventually made a full recovery. Burning with anger that his family and home were destroyed, Sillus devoted his life to killing monsters and taking back his homeland. Other: Enjoys fish and fruit, like to dance and listen to music.[/center]