[img]http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e335/RainbowReindeer/dddddd_zpsbbgzyskd.jpg[/img] [h1][color=#b5dae9]Iris[/color] & Poseidon[/h1] [i]After given a billion hugs from family members and friends, Iris was finally allowed to sit down and listen. Apparently she had been in a coma, dubbed the 'Dark Day Coma'. She wasn't alone, however, there had been many people around the world who was in the same exact state as she was. Untouchable and asleep, unchanged by time. The media, according to her mother, had directed their focus on the 'awakened'. "Fanciful stories," her mother said. "They should be reporting better things about you guys," she went on. [color=#b5dae9]"I was gone for a year,"[/color] was all Iris could manage, her eyes unfocused. Her mother reached over and gently grabbed at Iris's clenched fists. "Just a year, Iris. Nothing has changed." [color=#b5dae9]"Nothing changed?"[/color] Iris coldly said, drawing her hands away. She needed no answer to her question. She supplied it herself, in her mind. Iris knew she was being unreasonable but she couldn't help but act upon her silly emotions. She wanted to be mad, angry, and sad. She couldn't deal with the fact that the others had accepted Rick's death so easily... [color=#b5dae9]"But they had an entire year to mourn, stop being so bitchy,"[/color] her inner voice scolded. Sighing, she softly mumbled an apology before excusing herself. Iris went back into her room, surprised that it was exactly the way she had left it. A bit messy and cluttered, but entirely welcoming. She threw herself onto her bed, lifeless. The sounds of rain pattering slowly arrived and the murmurs of her mother and several others drifted off. She looked out the window, watching the rain droplets slowly run down. [/i] A month had passed and nothing much changed. Iris was feeling better in some ways. She visited Rick's grave a few times, managing not to cry like a helpless baby. Other than that, she was fine. Except for the fact that she wasn't sleeping or eating. Sleep did not come easily to her. A few minutes of rest here and there, but she never delved into the dream world that was filled with Rick, Rick, and more Rick. Her mother suggested that Iris should see a doctor, maybe get some sleeping pills. She would refuse and continued to mope around. And as the days passed on, it kept on raining and thundering. - Iris slouched back into her chair and massaged one lean cheek with great intensity. She felt angrily dissatisfied. There was absolutely nothing to do. A light tap on her shoulder brought her out of her brooding, and she looked up to see her mother shoving a cup of tea into her hands. "Drink something," her mother said, her lips pursed into a thin line. "It's your favorite - chamomile." Iris nodded and turned away, sipping away at the hot drink as her mother left. A half hour passed and the cup was empty and on the ground. The rocking chair squeaked as a strong wind passed. A pale hand limply dangled off of the arm rest, no longer clenched into a fist. And finally, the rain and thunder slowly died out. Iris was passed out. [b]"Finally, you're here."[/b] an irritated voice rang out. [color=#b5dae9]"What the fuck."[/color] [b]"Is that all you have to say to me? Really? Have a bit more respect."[/b] [color=#b5dae9]"Well, aren't you a charming little thing. Why don't you go find someone else who's willing to respect a vulgar man like you."[/color] A pause. [b]"Well, I bet you're wondering why you're asleep. You were obviously drugged. Pathetic."[/b] [color=#b5dae9]"You're all bark and no bite."[/color] And if she could, Iris would've laughed. [b]"Says you."[/b]