Nova sighed with slight disappointment as she switched her mic to the wider channel, approaching the building calmly. [color=7bcdc8]"Only a Beta-1? That's kind of disappointing, even a single G.C.P.D. squad could handle this on their own. No offense."[/color] She stood assessing the area, observing what she could from the outside before she decided on how to proceed. [color=7bcdc8]"Any idea of what he was trying to steal from the vault?"[/color] She asked out of curiosity, thinking about how stupid the man must have been to try breaking into the vault he worked for. She didn't get her answer, however, instead her attention was drawn to a movement out of the corner of her eye. Nova wasn't quite sure what it was exactly but her suspicions were confirmed when Alexis mentioned a breach in the perimeter. [color=7bcdc8]"Doubtful that it would another Villain. We've already surrounded the building, it wouldn't make sense for an accomplice to show up now."[/color] Taking a deep breath, Nova rolled her neck to relax the joints. [color=7bcdc8]"I'm going in."[/color] Without waiting for a response, Nova marched boldly through the front door with her weapons drawn. [color=7bcdc8]"Well what do you know? It's Robin Hood, we're all saved."[/color] Nova chuckled sarcastically, each of her two guns pointed at a different target. [color=7bcdc8]"Franklin Evans, N.A.I.L. has you surrounded. Surrender your weapons and the stolen goods and you might just make it out of here in one piece."[/color] She demanded before partially shifting her gaze toward the man who had beaten her to the punch. [color=7bcdc8]"Hey you, Robin Hood. Not coming in first really pisses me off, so why don't you tell me who you are before I just decide to take you down as an accomplice to a bank robbery?"[/color] Her tone held a menacing growl behind it, blue eyes so cold the hostages had to look away. Losing the opportunity to enter the building first had really struck a nerve, at this point she'd be lucky if she didn't shoot him before hearing who he was. Caden sighed as he listened to the feed, knowing full well how competitive his sister could be.