[color=gray][color=7ea7d8][center][h2]|JOSEPHINE “JOSEPH” SMITH|[/h2][/center][/color] [center][img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m31x14h0mm1rosovg.gif[/img][/center] [color=7ea7d8]Name:[/color] [indent]Josephine “Joseph” Smith[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Age:[/color] [indent]Nineteen[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Gender:[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Family:[/color] [indent]Joseph Smith – father †Carrie Smith – mother (deceased) Anna-Michael Smith – cousin Timothy Smith – uncle Mary Smith – aunt[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Personality:[/color] [indent] Joseph, having been raised by a rough parent, was quite rough herself and not all that pleasant to be around. She is sarcastic and blunt, cutting people down to the bone sometimes, which is why she prefers the company of thick-skinned individuals. When she is blunt and sarcastic, she is usually vulgar, spewing out obscenities here, there, everywhere, and obviously not caring about how people feel about it. She's been told once that such words were not ladylike - she spat on his face and told him to shove his gender roles straight up his ass. Joseph hates gender roles and insists that, despite her actions being associated with men usually, she is still a woman - just a masculine one. She hates being affectionate and doesn't like her space being intruded upon, often times punching someone in the face to get them away. She is stubborn and opinionated, sometimes forcing her liberal opinions on others even though she despises when people force their opinions on her - often times, she is frustrated when people don't see things the way she does. But she has her good points too - she is brave and loyal, willing to go to death and back for people she claims her allies. She is confident in her body and personality and is hardworking, often times working her fingers to the bones, and clever. When associating with people, she comes off as indifferent and cold, though she doesn't mean to, she just finds it difficult to express her feelings. [/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Bio:[/color] [indent]Joseph was born in Tulwa, Alabama to a family that lived on the outskirts, surrounded by the woods. When Joseph was around three years old, her mother developed cancer and, unfortunately, died, leaving Joseph in the care of her father. Her father was a man with a rough personality, and many would say he was a redneck. Often times, he would chew tobacco while watching TV or leave early in the morning to go hunting, leaving Joseph in the care of her aunt. When Joseph reached the age of nine, Joseph Sr. started bringing Joseph with him to hunting and allow her to watch TV with him, though he preferred to do alone because he hated when people talked. As such, Joseph grew up on hunting, knowing how to handle a gun by the age of ten, and deer for dinner, or whatever else they caught that day. When Joseph was twelve, she showed an interest in bow hunting, and so her father bought her a bow and spent an hour a day giving her tips before he went inside, leaving Joseph to practicing until dinner time. It soon became Joseph’s favorite way of hunting. Around the age of thirteen, Joseph Sr. had bought an American Foxhound puppy for Joseph which she trained to help her deer hunt and became her best friend. During high school, Joseph did well in the academics, but often times would skip to hunt or fish with her dad, leading to many suspensions and a near-expulsion. When she graduated high school, Joseph didn’t know what to do with her life and so she pretended as if she didn’t need to do anything, filling her time with hunting and fishing while living with her dad.[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Job Before The Outbreak:[/color] [indent]Waitress at a local diner called Kicknee’s ; hunter[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Disability/Fear: [/color] [indent]Insomnia, Joseph has trouble sleeping and is subjected to sometimes passing out from exhaustion or lacking energy[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Weapon of Choice:[/color] [indent]Bear Crux bow with around thirty arrows[/indent] [color=7ea7d8]Supplies:[/color] [indent]Lighter, a couple of protein bars, and a water bottle[/indent][/color] [center][h2]|Orion|[/h2] (Joseph's American Foxhound) [img]http://www.petmag.com.br/img/caes/racas/7832/foxhound-americano-04.jpg[/img][/center]