[i]This takes even longer than king Aegon's crowning[/i], lord Regulus thought. He didn't mind that the crowning took ages, as he had grown patient in the recent years, but his son Arthur looked like he was going to punch someone right to the face. Arthur was cut from entirely different cloth than his father, as he was an impatient and intuitive, but Regulus fancied himself as cautious and patient. As the new Master of the Coin Regulus had had been forced to find the necessary gold and silver to fund this escapade, and it hadn't been easy to do that in the aftermath of the late king Arryn's financial "reforms" that had done more bad than good back in the day. But now those days were behind their backs. Regulus hoped that Rickard Arryn was better financier than his uncle had been, as the memory of "royal emergency taxes" still sting his heart. "I present to you, King Rickard, the First of His Name of House Arryn, the King of the Seven Kingdoms, the Andals, the First Men and the Rhoynar, and the Protector of the Realm, from here to the Wall and Dorne! Long live the king!" exclaimed the High Septon in his high pitched voice. And every spectator in the hall answered to his call: "Long live the king!" [i]Finally, its over.[/i]