[b][color=#58FA82]Matthew Mercer[/color][/b] Rather suddenly, a gun toting and rather sharp tongued N.A.I.L. agent came out of the shadows, pointing her guns towards Matthew and 'Flash Bang' [color=#FE2E2E]"Stay out of the wa-"[/color] Matthew replied before being cut off when the drone that he didn't notice suddenly exploded in a flash. Managing to cover his eyes half way, the explosion had only blinded him for half the length. With the blur of the flash still somewhat affecting him, he sees 'Flash Bang' popping something in his mouth and then becoming a pseudo-hulk. The then pseudo-hulk started to charge towards the gun toting agent, clicking his tongue Matthew had managed to shove her out of the way and take the brunt of the attack. Matthew falls and starts rolling the opposite way the villain came, slowly getting up with a small stream of blood coming out of his mouth with him quickly wiping it off. "Matthew! Are you alright!?" the voice from his communication earpiece came, [color=#FE2E2E]"It's fine, just some small internal damag- *cough*"[/color] he replied to the communication device. Finally catching his breath, he draws his bow back and shoots two explosive arrows towards each shoulder blade of the Villain. It sounded a 'click' and exploded, [color=#FE2E2E]"Stay down."[/color] he said to 'it', Matthew then clutches his stomach, still reeling from the pain of getting bulldozed.