Alexis listened to the snatches of conversation he could hear through her earpiece but it was hardly enough to go on. With an irritated grumble she rummaged in her briefcase and pulled out the binoculars in there, flicking through the available lenses before returning to her vantage point. The world through the lenses appeared to her as an array of bright red, yellows and oranges with darker blues, purples and greens. With the infra-red she could at least see what was going on inside the building. The shift in Flash Bang was immediate, the heat signature rising significantly along with his size. [color=fff79a][b]"What the-"[/b][/color] She swore, never having seen such a rapid change in all her experience. [color=fff79a][b]"Nova, pull back with your hero friend. I can't give you any support from here."[/b][/color] She returned to her rifle, aiming towards the entrance of the bank. She could just make out the others through the window but at this range she'd have to change to different ammo for an accurate shot and there was no time. So instead she fired [i]at[/i] the window, aiming at the base of it, shattering a large pane of glass and thanking whichever architect designed the place for choosing large panes and not small, artistic windows. The 'Robin Hood' had managed to counter-attack but the new and improved Flash Bang didn't seem critically affected by it. [i]Heroes, Villains. They're all bloody monsters. Give me a flesh and blood target any day.[/i] [color=fff79a][b]"Lure him out into the open, the flash bangs won't have as much relative effect outside and we can flank him."[/b][/color] She spoke before speaking to the NAIL support outside. [color=fff79a][b]"Have you got any smoke grenades, Agent Ross? I think it's our turn to rob him of sight."[/b][/color]