I may have posted this in the wrong section because someone else did it. *Points at SuperTacticalDerp* Him. Him. It was him. Blame him! [hider=Yam Yaskradawne (Amy Skydawner)] NAME: Yam Yaskradawne (Amy Skydawner) RANK: Ensign DEPARTMENT, POSITION: Support, Neural Networks operator - A neural networks operator controls administrative things, and sorts out things. If someone sends a report of a pipe needing repaired, the operator would organised a repair team to be sent. They also control things such as the ship's internet, viewing security cameras and monitoring what the crew does and making sure that they don't do anything breaking laws or restrictions. They have access to all of the machines, so they can check status, and help with things such as robotic refueling of fighter craft, etc. The Neural networks operator carries around an Admin Deck to interface with the ship if they are away from their terminal. RACE: Zenohunt (allied with Union, however with seperate fleets and militaries) - Zenohunts are human, however they have a mixed variety of what appears to be almost Earth animal features. Some may have the tail of a dog, others may have the ears of a cat. Only a tiny percentage have wings, and an even smaller percentage of them can actually fly. For this, Zenohunts are often reffered to as the 'alternate universe of Humans', of DNA that could mix with that of animals. In truth, nobody knows how Zenohunts came to be alike the Earth species. Some tribes of Zenohunts think Zariana chose for them to be that way. Zariana is the god of all Zenohunts. She watches over them, and blesses them, ensuring they are well. Zenohunts never left their home system when they gained space technology. There were only three planets in their star system, Lemea, Popel and Candor, along with many, [b]many[/b] asteroids, both individual and in varying sizes of belts, though the only major cities would be found on Lemea. Those two cities are the only two cities that are left untouched in the endless Zenohunt war. Ehop and Yasanctuar (Hope and Sanctuary, in English) will forever remain the two only cities in Zenohunt territory. Asteroids and planets are not the only thing that you would find in the Zenohunt star system. Upon arrival, one would gasp at the sheer amount of ship debris in the system. Countless bases hidden in the asteroids showed that the Zenohunts were unmovable from their system. If a mysterious ship were to show up, it would die by either a Zenohunt battle group or by a hidden weapons platform, dug deep into an asteroid. The only reason that Humans survived when they arrived was because they came upon one of the more civilized of Zenohunt groups. Peace was agreed toward the Humans, however Zenohunts still battled eachother frequently because of disputes and other matters. Zenohunts speak 'Zenospeak', however they began learning English as well once Humans came along. One of the main facts of Zenohunts is that they are taught what they want to be when they are older from a very young age. If a child says, "Mommy, I wanna be a police man when I'm older", guess what? He's probably going to end up in a security role. If some little girl watches to much news and TV and says "Daddy, I want to work with MTA cannons!" They'll be working either as a gunner or tactical weapons officer on a ship. Something frowned upon by other races is that yes, Zenohunts train their young to be what they first said without a change of mind, however Zenohunt young will literally be what they want at a young age, or be something similar. For example, a Zenohunt learning to be a gunner will probably have the chance to be a Coota (one of various Zenohunt vehicles. Specifically, a Coota is a small vehicle that is literally a car with a machine gun on it. Young gunners use those as they require very little experience to use.) gunner at the age of fourteen. Obviously, higher roles, such as manning a tank, will require an older age and/or a lot more training. AGE: 19 GENDER: Female APPEARANCE: [img]http://i.imgur.com/5eZcAEL.jpg[/img] This image, however, she has the ears of a grey wolf, and the tail of a grey wolf. SHORT BIO: Amy was born in Yasanctuar, so she was safe from a lot of the fighting that happened occasionally on Lemea. However, this sanctuary didn't go on for long. "I want to be a computer lady on a ship flying through space!" That sentence [i]sentenced her[/i] to training in the navy. At fifteen years old, with a final exam passing of 90%, she was flown to space and stationed on a frigate in the Yasanctuar navy. From that point on, she went ship hopping, one time because of a promotion to Ensign, another time because of an attack that ended up with her ship being damaged to the point where personnel were forced to use their escape cells, but mainly just because of re-assignment, even to Union ships. That eventually ended up with her being stationed on the USS Audacia. PERSONALITY: +Friendly +Supportive =+Tries to socialize =Slightly shy =-Easy to frighten =-Slightly upsetable -Gets angry to those who speak badly of Zenohunt religion toward Zariana TALENTS/FLAWS: +Able to manage her role well +Formal during work-time +Trained in hand-to-hand and short-range weapon combat =-Has mood shifts every-so-often -Tends to attack if threatened [/hider]