[quote=@TheMaster99] [@LegendBegins] What crashing issues? [@Caits] Works fine for me, so it's probably something on your end. No idea what it could be, though. Do you know when it started happening? [/quote] [quote=@Ellri] guild was down earlier today,[@TheMaster99]. around 5-7 in the morning CET. [/quote] ^This. I assumed it was an attack again, but it didn't behave in the same way. Everyone was instantly cut off, and then it slowly restored. First the home page, then the topic pages, then the topics themselves, then posting was restored. It's possible it was a stronger botnet that worked inversely to the last. The first attack began slow, as each host accessed and flooded the site, but retracted immediately when it was shut down. This one began instantly, but began teetering off very slowly. It's always possible that these are all server issues, but it wouldn't make as much sense, considering they behave the way they do.