Daniel was very aware of the sturdy man sitting in the room. He knew that he was being watched rather intensely. Since he had brought all of his supplies in with him, he set the crate and bag down beside the head of Avery's bed. He began to take off any bloody dressings to get a better look at the injuries he had done up before. [b]"If ye be fixin' t' help yer cap'n, I could use a second set o' hands."[/b] Daniel said, being both careful and methodical about accessing her. [b]"Ye may wan' t' get a rag t' clean up 'er nose."[/b] he suggested. The blood wasn't flowing out of her nose anymore, but the inside was still wet. What had dribbled out was crusting on her face, no-one enjoyed the feeling of crusty blood on them. He chose to say nothing about having what Avery had been looking for, he did not trust this crew or their captain. It was a better bargaining chip than his own life, as things ran among pirates. The lack of colour on Avery worried him the most, so he asked the quartermaster a second time how to handle the situation. [b]"Ye've seen 'er do this before. How 'ave ye treated it in t' past? There an'th'in' that helps it?"[/b] Daniel moved away from her to make a bit more salve to re-dress her wounds after cleaning them out for a second time that day.