[b]Outside Bank[/b] "We have a few Agent Chandle! Everyone else light him up if he gets out of the bank." Ross said then quickly turning and heading back to one of the Black Jeeps blocking off the entrance into the bank. Meanwhile across the street from the bank crowds off people were watching the horror unfold before them. "Damn civilians must think this is some petty thief! Officer Mike where is the rest of the GCPD to get the people away from here and let NAIL work." Ross said while holding a duffle bag filled with smoke grenades. The GCPD officer shook his head,"I don't know won't respond to my calls but I guess I try to get them back." "Good. Because its about to get ugly." Ross said holding a smoke grenade. [b]Inside Bank[/b] "[color=9e0b0f]Those arrows are nothing![/color]" Flash Bang says walking towards the hero. "[color=9e0b0f]You see Blood Eyes let me have incredible strength while retaining my intelligence! Too bad the damn things are hard as hell to find around he-[/color]" Just then the glass broke and Flash Bang could see the outside with Agents pointing pistols at him. "[color=9e0b0f]I'll deal with those flys later but I want the hero first![/color]" With that he threw another Grenade down flashing the hero while he charged again with his fist.