[i]New message from: Bridge New message from: Cafeteria Alert!: User found accessing unauthorized material Warning!: Server nearing stress level maximum New task from Maintenance: Reboot hangar door control Reminder: Status report to Commander Mason to be sent Alert!: Server stress level at 95%[/i] "Zariana, please help." Amy mumbles, tapping quickly on her console. Ever since Captain Ray had gone missing, some sort of 'command council' had been erected, yet Amy still didn't really understand who was in true command. She just followed orders. Halfway through writing a reply message to the cafeteria, another alert popped up. [i]Alert!: Server stress level at 99%! Resetting![/i] Amy brang her fist down on her desk loudly, causing the Neural Networks [i]assistant[/i] to look at her sadly. He, too, had been in the process of writing something when his screen had winked off. This happened for the two of them, however for the other computers, all of which would be connected to the network, would fail to access the database of the ship. The server was state-of-the-art, built to sustain a lot of load, however the massive rate of message influx had just decimated it. After a few minutes, Amy went back to typing her message, before working on her report to Commander Mason. It simply was a mail with several attachments of files, and a note about the server crash. [i]Dear Commander Mason On this file are attached files of reports from individual departments. I have to forward them to you, as the administrative head does not want any more reports. He got fed up again. On a major side note, the server crash we just encountered a few minutes ago was not a fault on the neural networks department. We are receiving a massive message influx, of which ninety percent is not to be sent to us. Everyone is nuts. Regards Amy Skydawner Neural Networks Administrator[/i] With a deal of hesitation, Amy sent a copy to her department head as well, before she started to sort through other messages with her assistant.