[quote=@SheriffLlama] Actually, my sister. She invited my to a zombie RP that she was in and I got pretty into it. The rest's history :P [/quote] Oh, nice! You a zombie fan, then? [quote=@kittyluna45] I actually prefer Pathfinder, but I have also played other systems I like. I recommend Fate as well, since that is easy to get into and character creation isn't too hard. Also 3.5 was what got me into D'n'D so it will always have a place in my heart. But my fav, Old World of Darkness. I love Werewolf specifically. [/quote] That's cool. I've looked at books for Pathfinder when I went to a nearby game store. Not familiar with Old World of Darkness. [quote=@CodeZX] So I'm late to the party. Sue me. Disneyland was more important :P I've been roleplaying since I was 12 (So roughly 14 years). Most of my roleplaying has been forum based, but once I got into college I started up with a lot of the tabletop gaming. I've done a fair bit of IM-based roleplay as well. [/quote] Lucky duck! Hope you enjoyed yourself! That's awesome that you found a group in college! Bet that was fun. How many players did you end up having? I think the closest thing I've come to IM roleplaying is through text messages.