Seyli looks at the dragon slowly and nodded her head [I]Nice to meet you Dax, I was born of Nobel family I am true to my word AI can tell you that. I will help and want to help so allow me to please. [/I] She looked at him with soft eyes a smile on her face looking at the chain around his neck she pulls out her magic book [I]Now don't move[/I] She said and mutters the spell and the chains around the dragons neck unlatched and allowed him more breathing air as she started to do the body and legs she was grabbed by some trainers and she did couple pressure points and they fell over. One trainer grabbed the book and hit her in the stomach painfully, falling over her book fell out of her hands and she growled as a trainer starts dragging her off and bites his hand 'These dragons are not meant to be chained up' she snapped and flipped the male over her swoulder and got her bow and arrows out. The white dragon struggled from the last of the chains and the chains around his neck and last wing shatters and his slammed his tail between her and the Trainers and snarled deeply at the trainers fangs bared and eyes glowing with flames. He stood full height around the ceiling hight of the massive cell he was in , he stood around 38 feet tall and claws reached up to a foot long.