Sai assigned names to faces and faces to names, keeping track of each member of the team in her head. She nodded as the Trandoshan, Raresk, finished introducing himself, and began walking towards Drifter IV. She motioned for the rest of the team to follow. "Yeah, this baby right here is mine. Drifter IV, a Corellian Engineering YV-560 light freighter. I won't bore you with all the details, but if we squeeze in tight enough, we'll all get to where we need to go." Sai pulled out a small device from a pocket, pressing a button to lower the boarding ramp. "Feel free to get comfortable somewhere. If my hunch is right, we'll be spending a lot of time together on this little freighter of mine." As the ramp touched the floor, Sai made her way up, stopping at the top for the others to follow her in. "Once you all get settled in, I guess we could work out the details of our plan of attack for Belona. So get yourselves acquainted with her, get comfortable, and we can all sit down and have a nice little chat!" Sai flashed a grin, spinning around on one heel for the helm of the ship. Hopefully she'd get a second to breathe - this leadership thing was already getting to be a little overwhelming.