[center] [img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/1df5/f/2011/010/a/a/no_melody_by_paintedpoppy-d36v6jz.jpg[/img] [h3][b]Melissa Dunn[/b][/h3] [u]Age[/u] 18 [u]Gender[/u] Female [u]Family[/u] Margret Dunn- Mother [u]Personality[/u] The best way to describe Melissa is, well, odd. She seems normal at first until maybe five minutes after you talk to her and start noticing her idiosyncrasies. Sometimes she simply says things in an unusual way, other times she seems to be talking about something completely irrelevant. Though, despite her oddities, she is all around pleasant to be around. She is friendly and sweet and always tried to help when she can. [u]Bio[/u] Melissa was raised by a single mother who worked hard long hours. As a result she spent a lot of time with babysitters or alone. In school she didn't have many friends and rarely talked. However, when she was 12 she fell in love with her mathematics teacher, a tall young man man with a friendly smile. He would always convince her to talk in class and participate in class activities. And so she found herself constantly asking for help with her work just so he would talk to her. So he would smile at her. She stayed late for extra credit and sometimes just to talk to him. Finally, at the end of the year, she asked him if he had a girlfriend. This was obviously a red light for him and he explained to her that he was just her teacher and she was just his student. The rest of that summer she sulked... Though, when her next school year began she discovered she was in his class once again. She was overjoyed but she knew he could never be with her... And so she began searching for anything that could change that. What she found was magic. Or at least what she thought was magic. And so she spent that year trying to create love potions or charms for him. However, before she could see her results, her mother told her they were moving away. Melissa was infuriated. She pleaded with her mother telling her she loved someone dearly here and she couldn't leave them. Her mother assured her she would find someone else and before she knew it she was moving into a new home in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Melissa was crushed... until she received a letter from her love in the mail! It was simply saying that he was sad to lose her as a student and that he loved the time they spent together. Melissa took this as a sign of success from her magics. And so Melissa continued her magic. Though, as she got older she understood that most of the magic she knew didn't work. Or at least in the conventional sense. She still reads palms and tarot and more. Having graduated high school, Melissa attends college but she is undecided on a major. [u]Job Before The Outbreak[/u] Student [u]Disability/Fear[/u] Melissa is afraid of heights and is afraid of being alone with a large man. She is rather superstitious and is also afraid of clowns. [u]Weapon of Choice[/u] Melissa's weapon of choice is getting the heck out of there. [u]Supplies[/u] Melissa carried around several oddities in a large purse that she carries around. In it includes her ID, her keys to her home, an old smart phone thats hardly smart, a tarot deck, a rabbits foot, some odd coins, dried leaves, and more. [/center]