[center] [color=lightblue][h3]Indigo, Gavin, & Aurora[/h3][/color] Gavin looked at Aurora, then back at the guy. "Howdy." He greeted, tipping his hat. Aurora looked up a tall guy? [I]Well...everyone's Probably taller than me..[/I] she shrugged, " Oh Hi. " She said waving her hand. Indi cleared his throat and gave the two a good look. The cowboy looked very... Well, stereotypically cowboyish. He really didn't understand this guys choice of outfit. The only answer he came up with was 'acting out for attention'. The girl looked a little younger than him, quite short. He wondered if her hair was dyed white. "What's your names? I'm Indi." " Well...I'm Aurora. " She wondered if she should leave, Indi looked like one of those Jock gay dudes on the TV show, " Normal. " Simply laughing at the thought, " Oh...and He's Gavin. " Aurora could feel the connection between Gavin and Indi...wondering If Indi was actually gay and if he was; this would extremely be the best day ever. Gavin tipped his hat again at the mention of his name. "Howdy." "Heh, that all you say?" He asked Gavin with a slightly bemused look hidden behind his mask. He was seriously starting to doubt this dude's potential as a Hunter. Maybe he was a good fighter? "No." Gavin replied. "But I just like to get proper acquainted with individuals." He explained, giving him a small smile. Aurora smirked not saying anything but enjoying the two's company, [I] Maybe...Gavin's Like the bottom spoon and Indi's the upper spoon? I mean Indi is taller and more broader and Gavin is a bit skinny....? [/I] Aurora enjoyed yaoi's so much that whenever she made male friends she'd pair them secretly in her mind. "That's good." Indi said, pausing for a second before asking another question. "In that case, you should be able to answer my question. Why'd you come to Beacon? And, please, don't say 'to fight monsters', or I'll kick your ass." " Ehhh...thats Basically my sole purpose. I have actually NO purpose in life, so....eh? " Aurora shrugged, her arms crossed. She really had no purpose in life and if she wanted to kill herself it could possibly be the answer. Her mother and father left her, no one actually liked her when she became attached and...life Just became empty. Gavin stared at Aurora, analyzing her as she was deep in thought. Hmm... Gavin shook it off for now. "Well, as for me Indi. I'm here to help good folks, those who can't do what I couldn't some time ago. What about you, fella?" He asked back. "Wow. Don't go throwing' yourself into the maw of a Grimm as soon as you get on the field, okay?" He joked. Honestly right now he didn't much care if she died or not, but jokes always helped lighten the mood, and a light mood ensured loose lips. "To reply to your question, Brokeback Mountain, I wanna be famous." He explained. "It's a little selfish, but ain't we all?" Brokeback Mountain. Asshole. "So, riches and glory for you is it?" Gavin asked, curious now at Indi, his character, his drive, that damn mask that hid his face and expression. He was certainly interesting. "Sure is. It's a little shallow, but I love me some groupies." He said. That's what all Hunters thought anyways, they just wanted fans. He was just being honest with himself. Gavin probably didn't mind attention either. Aurora, on the other hand... Maybe she was telling the truth. He was surprised such a wallflower had even made an attempt at Huntership. But, whatever, he wasn't here to criticize people. Mostly. Gavin chuckled a little when Indi mentioned "groupies". Gavin thought about him a little more, this guy could be a really nice, jokey kind of person. Or a complete asshole. Either way, Gavin didn't want to judge people by their cover so he dismissed his thoughts. "I suppose that is one way of putting it." He replied. Then Gavin went to the bathroom. Aurora sighed, waving towards Gavin after he stood and walked away. " Hm. " She sighed, slipping back on her headphones. She forgot that Indi was there, " Stronger than you...~ " She hummed, her knees close to her torso and her arms wrapped around her legs. " I am the patience...I am the fury...I am the conversation... " Aurora lightly sang her voice low and quiet and at a C-Minor | Meaning high pitched. | Indi growled in anger as Aurora slipped on her headphones, his fist once again balled in rage. She had forgotten about him? He was standing near her, having a conversation with her! But, he showed some restraint, and waved to her, trying to get her attention. "Hey, Lolipop, you forget I was here or something?" " Yes I forgot about you. " Aurora stated, she thought Indi wanted to talk with Gavin.. Indi just about started foaming at the mouth when she admitted that she had forgotten about him. He bit his tongue to distract himself, before asking her, "S-so, were you serious about that 'I have no purpose' thing?" He asked, forcing himself to talk through his anger. " Yes. I have no purpose. My parents left me, my supposed friends walked away from me and being a huntress is all I have left and if not 'poof' " She said, sighing the song she was listening to switched to a melody of piano's. Indi felt the awkward atmosphere pile on as she full on admitted she was extremely depressed and told him her life story. He was so stunned that his mouth hung agape for a second, before he shut it and cleared his throat. "Um..." He mumbled, still recovering from the absolute shock from this girl's bluntness. "Sorry, I guess?" " It's okay. Your probably going to leave in awe. " She sighed, shifting positions to get herself comfortable. Indi frowned as she essentially told him what to do. He loved proving people wrong, who the hell was she to say when he was gonna leave. With his arms crossed, he sat down on the floor near her. "Now that you said that, I'm gonna sit here the entire ride." He explained, setting his stuff down next to him. " Okay. " Aurora sighed, repositioning her headphones, " We~ are the crystal gems~ We'll always save the day~ And if you think we can't...we'll Always find away. " She was overly obsessed with the show 'Steven Universe' it gave her one slight hope in life. Indi simply sat on the floor, arms crossed, before realizing sitting like this the entire ride was going to be uncomfortable. He quickly got in a more comfortable position, leaning back and using his arms to support himself. He decided he had enough conversing with this sadsack, at least until Brokeback Mountain came back and kickstarted something. [hr] [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/48jt_lWA7W0[/youtube][/center] [hr] Oddly Aurora sang that with a high pitched British voice, her voice was low while she sang. Indi's eyebrows rose as Lolipop sung in a voice pretty much completely different from her own. He was curious enough to ask, "Whatcha listening to?" Being completely oblivious to TV pretty much. " Steven Universe. " She liked showing others new things, " It's a TV show on Vale... " "Huh." Indi muttered, getting up and walking up to Aurora. "You have any episodes saved or anything?" He asked, desperate for anything to accelerate the ride. Even if the show was dumb, it'd still be more interesting than sitting in one spot the whole ride. " I have all of season 2. " Aurora nodded, her dual loves detaching from her wrist and hovering in front of her. " Steven Universe. " She said, the Dual Loves emitting a hologram. Indi crouched down and stared at the hologram in front of him. It was an impressive device, the bracelet she wore. He wondered who made it? Surely it wasn't just her, right? He pushed the thought out of his mind, and watched the show with interest.[/center]