"Fuck, uh, not until I know where we land. Not much space delivery going on in this system but I have ground contacts that could get them in say, three or four hours after landing?" He was still shaking and blowing on his burnt hand. "Where are we headed next anyways? I could set up the deal as soon as that's sorted out." He spit on the ground again. It was a bad habit he picked up but he just couldn't stop. The poor janitors had to mop it up but he had bigger things to deal with. He turned to Vas who was obviously annoyed and smirked. He didn't say anything since he was technically superior to him. Guy looked as angry as a rock could possibly look. "Jesus christ what did you do to these boards? Rip them out bare handed?" He observed them for quality, maybe he could resell them but from the looks of it they were simply ripped away with very little delicacy.