[b]NAME:[/b] Jazzle Finks (Aka Jazz). He's a goblin. [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs9/f/2006/343/f/1/WoWWiki___Kryll_by_weremagnus.jpg[/img] [b]ABSTRACT:[/b] An obsessive tinkerer, dreamer, and an idealist with a pride that outgrows his stature. [b]INTENT:[/b] To satisfy his curiousity for all that clicks, ticks, buzzes, or otherwise clanks. Would like to build an understanding of the world, and use this knowledge to leave his own mark. [b]FIRST ADVENTURE:[/b] Jazzle is a part of a tribe of goblins that exist just outside the city border. They were scavengers, who etched a living out of the scraps thrown out of the developed city's borders. Jazz was inspired by the many gadgets and other bits and bobs the people threw away, and eventually his curiosity got the better of him as he found himself in the heart of the largest city in the continent. To the mind of a goblin who previously led a simple life in the slums it was mind blowing, and lead to a career of mischief and larceny all in the name of his burning curiosity. Goblins and humans have a tenuous relationship at best. [b]HOW DO YOU KNOW KETTLE?[/b] To put it frank.. Jazzle once stole an expensive watch from the worldly traveler. It had such a pleasant tick, he just HAD to see what made it figuratively and literally tick. A long chase, painful bumps and bruises and a serious scalding had made the young thief get a change of career. No hard feelings! [b]WHY DID KETTLE PICK YOU?[/b] Jazz figures out how things work. He can take things apart, inspect every insignificant detail, and put it back together new and improved. He is an innovator with fierce determination. [b]HOW DO YOU KNOW [insert character name]?[/b] No other characters exist yes. I will wait for it. I tried to keep it brief and sweet. What do you think?