Suddenly, there was a bright flash that appeared next to Batman, Harley, and Nightwing. When the light subsided, who was there but the lovable, amazing, incredulous BAT-MITE! "Remember me, Bats?~" Bat-Mite said with excitement flowing over the brim of his voice as he looked at his idol, shrouded in shadows. It was only when he looked away from Batman did he realize what was going on around him. Harley Quinn?! A dastardly fiend by no other name, decided I! Wait, I? Yes, I! Bat-Mite is taking over the narrative now, random person! So I, being the suave, powerful being that I was, decided that the best idea was to help everyone out to win the admiration of my idol, the one and only Bruce Wayne! (Shush, don't tell anyone I said that!) "I have just the fix for this solution!" Said I, shouting with maybe a little bit too much enthusiasm. I snapped my fingers, hoping that it would cause any weapons that Harley had on her to turn into soft non-harmful objects. Unfortunately, my massive intelligence hadn't calculated for this also working on the weapons of Dick Grayson (Ssssssssssshhhh!), which had been turned into something non-threatening. "Sorry! Let me try again!" I repeatedly tried to change Nightwing's weapons back, but every time, they just ended up something even less threatening than the last.